Chapter Twenty-seven

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Had...Had she really just said that?

As in really just said that...?

Optimus was physically stunned to silence for a moment as he looked down at her. "C-Carolina?" he started warily. He didn't know if his self-restraint could take this sort of torture; she couldn't have been serious...right?

But her thumb on his lips told him otherwise; she'd never had such an intense gaze before, and she was staring right into him.

"Optimus," she said firmly, "did you hear what I just said?"

The Holoform's words caught it his throat before he managed to finally choke out, "I-I did, but I'm not certain I heard you correctly..."

She smiled in response and dropped her thumb from his lips to rest it underneath his jaw; gripping his chin gently between her thumb and forefinger, "No, you heard me right. I'm telling you to kiss me, Chief. And I mean now."

His Spark was humming approvingly, practically purring at her proximity; he cautiously lowered his face just a tiny fraction, but didn't quite close the distance.

He paused barely a breadth away from her lips, his voice lowered to an apprehensive murmur, " certain that what you want...?"

Carolina gave a growl in half-anticipation/half-impatience as she tightened her grip on his chin. "Optimus, now!" she pulled his jaw forward and crashed her lips onto his, ignoring the sudden gasp of surprise that his Holoform released as she did so.

Her eyes were closed as he watched her, so he did the same; trying to mirror her actions. He was inexperienced; Carolina already knew that, and she was too but she was winging it

Removing her hand from his jaw, she gently traced her fingers into the thick locks of blue-black hair on his head and moved her mouth only slowly; teaching him.

She felt the hands around her waist tighten a slight bit as she kissed him, his fingers gripping the fabric of her shirt.

She kept her body turned towards him, her form still backed up against his chest as she placed her free hand over the top of his around her waist.

Gently and carefully, she traced her tongue across his lower lip, eliciting a surprised noise from him; a wonderfully innocent and adorable noise.

She parted their lips for a moment, tracing circles in his hair as she looked up at him, "It's okay, Chief," she whispered, " me."

She felt his right hand remove itself from around her hips to gently hold her face; his eyes were intense as they regarded her, trying to ignore the sheer singing of his finally satiated Spark.

"...I do, completely..." he murmured, taking in each tiny detail of her face with the precision of a computer scanning data; he wanted to ingrain her face into his memory for the rest of his existence.

Before Carolina could do anything more than smile up at him, he swiped away the distance between them, gently converging his mouth over her own; his Spark absolutely loving the way her fingers splayed over his arms.

What the little mechanic didn't realize was that he had performed some momentary scans through his internet filing; trying to gather as much information about human kissing as he could find.

Some of it was very helpful; he just needed to figure out how to work it. He had all the information; now all he required was the practical experience.

Mirroring her actions from before, he slid his tongue gently against her lip and couldn't help but feel a sense of pride by the way her fingers tightened into his hair; a good sign he hoped.

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