Chapter Twenty-nine

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"So, you gonna tell me what happened?"

Carolina kept walking indignantly, her bag slung over her shoulder as she did, "No. I don't think I will," she smiled cheekily, turning to look up at the silver Autobot who strolled eagerly beside her, "Not a thing."

Sideswipe, who'd had no luck trying to wrangle information out of Optimus, pulled a hurt expression as she grinned and kept walking across the tarmac.

Lennox, who had been the one to pick her up today, had already rolled his eyes at the robot and walked away; laughing at his persistence.

"Aw, come on. I know something's up between you guys! He's been standing off all week, then you guys go for one of those drives and he comes back trailing you like a puppy."

"So?" Carolina asked nonchalantly, unable to hide a small smile that crossed her features. Sideswipe didn't miss this; he could see that she was hiding something.

"So, I want to know! Did you two Sparkbond, is that why you won't tell?" "-What?" she squeaked, finally turning to him with a wide-eyed expression.

However, the poor mechanic hadn't recognized that Sideswipe's accusation had merely been a tactic to try and draw out some information on her.

He gauged her reaction and in doing so, received an answer to at least one of his curiosities.

"Okay, so it wasn't Sparkbonding. Did you do that human 'kissing' thing? Where did you go?"

"Sideswipe!" she screeched, pulling her bag off her shoulder and throwing it at him; her lack of physical strength not allowing the object to hit any higher than the robot's leg.

Her face was blazing with embarrassment and the Corvette found it hilarious that she was so unnerved; she made wonderful entertainment. "Stop asking so many questions! It's none of your business."

He laughed and bent down to pick up the bag she had thrown at him; the canvas duffel resembling a bug between his fingers as he did so.

He handed it back to her with a cheeky look on his face. "Now that's not very nice," he jibed, placing the bag in her hands, "and here I thought we were friends!"

He placed his now free hands over his Spark, pretending to be mortally wounded by her flat refusal, but the only thing he got in response was a laugh, a blush, and the shaking of her head. Her tone was amused (she couldn't be mad at him for being curious) but firm.

"We are. But that still doesn't mean you're entitled to details of my robot."

Sideswipe grinned at her, as much as his metal matter could grin that is... "Oh, so he's your property now, huh?"

Carolina snorted jestingly, "You're damn right he is. Any other bitch touches my truck, her head will be rolled."

The Corvette bellowed a hearty laugh at her statement before kneeling to her eye level. "That's violent of you," he teased, "maybe you've been having out with Ironhide too much."

The little female laughed in response, poking Sideswipe in the face with a cheeky grin. Her night in Optimus' company had put her in a wonderful mood this morning and she felt like laughing with her friend. Her expression became one of mischief.

"Sides, have you ever heard the saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' before?" she asked.

The gleaming silver mech shook his head, "No. What does it mean? It sounds kind of...dangerous." He laughed, looking her right in the eye with that familiar pair of blue optics of his. Tess placed her hands on her hips with a smug look.

"It means, if you emotionally hurt a female; even the Devil himself won't be able to save you from her wrath." She replied with a grin, punching her fist into the palm of her opposite hand. Sideswipe roared with laughter in response.

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