Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to @GraceHilton for being the first commenter and voter on my book.

Davina's P.O.V

"OMG", my best friend Kayla shrieks as we walk out of the cinemas, "I cannot believe you like him!". I use my hair as a curtain to try and cover the blush that spreads across my face. Unluckily for me the wind blows a huge breeze towards us, blowing all the hair out of my face and exposing for my now laughing best friend.

"You're as red as a tomato Davina!", she continued laughing hysterically. I gave her the silent treatment and turned away from her and continued walking towards my house.

She continued laughing and then looked my way, I glanced at her through the screen of my hair, she had her eyes crossed and her tongue out in the most hilarious face I had ever seen.

I burst out laughing, she joined in my laughter and before we know it we were against the wall of a nearby building shaking with fits of laughter, tears pouring from our eyes. She always knew how to cheer me up.

As we got closer to my house I noticed the flashing blue lights of a police car, we rushed forward to see a police car parked outside my house. I ran forward an asked what had happened.

The police officers asked my name and I told them "Davina Collins, has something happened? Where are my parents?" The two officers looked at each other, the taller of the two looked at me with a grave look in his eyes, he hesitantly began "Your parents William Collins and Lisa Collins passed away tonight in a car crash with a drunk driver", they watched my reaction slowly assessing whether or not I would start bawling.

I began saying, "No, surely not my parents...". This time the shorter police officer began saying "Ms Collins, I know this is hard to accept...". I stopped listening at that point, I sat on the cold, hard pavement as tears rolled silently down my cheeks. This couldn't be happening. My parent were here a few hours ago, they couldn't be gone...

After 10 minutes of me crying silently the shorter police officer who I called " Shortie" in my head asked if I was going to stay at home alone tonight or if I wanted temporary accomadation. I told them I that I would stay at home, there were hundreds of others that needed a place to stay more than me.

I hugged Kayla goodnight and told her to go home, "I'll stay with you tonight", she offered, I waved her off and told her to get home safely. The taller police officer told me that someone alongside my new legal guardian would come by tomorrow morning to get some sleep. I told the officers goodnight and let myself into my now home. Isolated. That was how I felt.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a cami and snuggled into my bed. Before I knew it I fell asleep. That night I dreamed of my parents, of all the good times we had together..



The door bell rang and I shot out of bed. Who could be here so early? Last night memories rushed back to me and I felt dizzy. The police officer had said someone would come by in the morning. I groaned in frustration and walked over to my mirror, I threw my wild hair into a high pony and exited my room.

When I opened my front door my eyes met a woman in a blazer's eyes. She smiled warmly at me and I turned away, feeling slightly awkward. my eyes soon met a slightly shorter woman's eyes. She stood at the same height as me, at roughly 5"4. Her pin straight hair framed her tiny face making it look even smaller.

Before I knew it I was being enveloped in a hug by this tiny woman. I hesitantly hugged her back as she rubbed soothing circles in my back. "Don't worry", she whispered in my ear. I swallowed back the lump in my throat hoping I had no traitorous tears exposing how I really felt, alone.

The other woman cleared her throat trying and successfully catching our attention. The woman had just embraced me blushed tomato red. "I am Ms Whitlock, and this is Ms-", she paused and glanced towards the other woman, "Richmond", she clarified. "I am sorry about the event that has meant we have had to meet", Ms Whitlock continued. I nodded my head thinking about my parents. I had no family left, no siblings, nothing, no one.

I invited the two in and we sat in the living room. My parents and I didn't have a lot of money so we lived in a tiny flat in London, so it was really cosy.

"Davina, you will be required to move to the United States of America to live with Ms Richmond in California as she is now your legal guardian", they must've heard my sharp intake of breath because Ms Richmond smiled warmly at me and said " Do not worry child, your mother and I were childhood best friends and I will look after you a  if you were one of my own"."You will have one week to pack up and say goodbye to your friends", 's Whitlock announced. My jaw hit the ground.

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