Chapter 8

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Longest chapter ever coming up!

Davina's P.O.V

The next few weeks flew by, I had established a routine for school and weekends. I facetimed Kayla every Saturday at 9.30pm. After my weekly facetime session with Kayla I decided to go down to the kitchen and get a banana to eat, I was distracted at dinner so only had few spoons of my soup. The whole house was quiet since Ethan was in his room, Sarah was out of town and Grayson was at a party. He had asked me to attend but I had declined saying that I had loads of work to do.

I sat at the kitchen counter eating my banana in the dark. The kitchen was all glass and very open so I watched the forest outside. The pool was lit up so I ran up to my room changed into my two piece and grabbed a towel.

When I got back to the pool, I slowly lowered myself into the warm water. My muscles began to relax and I swan a few lengths of the pool. After that I looked up at the stars and just floated around. After about 45 minutes of being the pool I began climbing out and wrapping the towel round my petite body.

Just as I was about to go in I saw those same yellow eyes that seemed to glow at the edge of the forest. It was too dark to see what the eyes belonged to, and me being the curious girl that I am decided to put on my flip flops and begin walking towards the forest. The eyes watched me with such intensity that I began to feel so self conscious.

I began to feel nervous and started to slow my pace. What is that thing was dangerous. The eyes seemed to get darker as if annoyed that I slowed down. Then I stopped completely and looked back at the house. I should just head back inside. But I had to find out what the creature with these amazing eyes was.

The creature watched me slowly, its eyes gentle encouraging me to continue walking in its direction. I would just check out what the animal was then head back inside I told myself. It seemed to take forever to get to the animal, I looked back at the house, it was now pretty far behind. I began to pick up my pace wanting to get back to the house as soon as possible.

When I reached the place where they eyes were there was no longer anything there. Where had the animal gone? I began wondering around the forest and before I knew it I was lost. I knew I should've listened to Ethan when he told me not to come into the forest alone especially at night.

I yelled Ethan's name which must've been for hours before I reached the edge of the forest. I looked up and saw that the moon was behind me so I turned around and headed towards the moon. Sarah's kitchen was pretty lit up by the moon so after about another 2 hours of walking I found the giant house again.

I began running towards it, I was exhausted so I tripped many time over things my mind was probably creating. When I reached the pool I saw Ethan there with a worried expression on his face. "Where were you?", he asked me. "I went for a walk", I lied, "I couldn't sleep".

"Through the forest?", he asked while taking leaves and twigs out of my hair. "Y-yes?", I said. "I thought I told you not to go into the forest alone, especially in the night", he said angrily. "I know, it's just..." I said but didn't finish. "It's just what?", he watched me carefully. "Nothing", I replied a tad bit too quickly.

"Tell me", he demanded. "Okay, okay. I saw these pair of glowing yellow eyes in the forest. I had to find out which animal had such spectacular eyes", I rushed out. "Haven't you heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?", he aske me. "Who hasn't? It's just this isn't the first time I've seen those eyes, they just sort of intrigue me", I informed him.

"What? When else have you seen them?", he enquired. "I saw them a few weeks ago", I responded. "Lets go", he said while taking my arm and escorting me into the house. After getting cleaned up and I got into my bed and dozed off quickly after all I was exhausted after my swim and getting lost.

Davina's P.O.V

1 month after she got lost

Ethan and Grayson didn't come to school today so I had to take the bus. But the bus would be so crowded and dirty so I had decided to walk. It would take longer but at least I would get some fresh air and listen to my music. I was about half way back to the house when I came to the beginning of a trail heading into the forest. It was still pretty light outside so I stepped onto the trail.

I would stay on the trail that way I wouldn't get lost. I turned off my IPod and walked a bit further into the forest. I could still see the road that I had been walking along. Maybe just a bit further in, I'll stick to the trail and I'll be fine. Before I knew it I could no longer see the road. I looked up at the dense canopy of leaves above my head.

They were blocking 90% of any natural light there was. Then me being the lucky person I am it began pouring. What was with this weather, it was so bipolar. I groaned as my air stuck to my head and my clothes got drenched. The weather forecast said it would be sunny today so I was only wearing a white dress and flip flops.

Due to the rain I accidently wondered off the path and got even more lost. What was wrong with me? I should really stay away from this forest. I found a giant log and sat on it while sighing. I took my phone out and once again I got lucky because there was no reception.

This is just great. I turned on the flash light on my phone and began searching for the trail.

1hour later...

My phone had died like 20 minutes ago and all I had now was my IPod which would also die very soon, it only had 25% of battery remaining. My life was just amazing. I must've wondered around for hours getting myself deeper and deeper into the forest. Were Ethan and Grayson looking for me? Had they even noticed that I wasn't home yet and it was past 7pm?

I grew tired of searching so decided to lean against a thick tree trunk. I dozed off there, and went into a vivid dream.

Yellow eyes. I could see them, so close yet so far. I began running towards them but it seemed like that harder and faster I ran the further they got. I reached out trying to grab something from tripping me as I splashed into a puddle of mud and rain water. Eww, gross. I was wet, sticky and dirty. This was just great. Best day of my life.

I lifted myself out of the puddle and continued forward. I probably looked like a drowned rat but who gave a fuck? I was in the middle of the mother fucking forest and I was lost, tired and hungry. I ran forward but tripped over a rock. Damn that rock.

I fell forward but just as my face was about to make impact with the soft forest floor I woke up. Oh it was all a dream. I hadn't actually seen the yellow eyes again. I took in my surroundings and realized that I was actually lost in the forest. Again. "Ughh, stupid, stupid, stupid", I said while smacking my forehead.

I got up and began wondering round once again. I shouted for help but I highly doubted anyone could hear my pleas. Not much later I was exhausted and fell to the ground. It was soft which made it easier for me to fall asleep as quickly and easily as I did. This time I did not dream, or if I did, I did not remember it.

When I woke up I wasn't in the forest anymore...

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