Chapter 17: I new I should have listened to my gut

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I open my eyes but immediately shut them  again when I a light shines in my eyes, where the fuck am I the last thing I remember was walking towards my bike before everything went dark. I open my eyes again this time taking my surroundings, all I see is white walls and boxes of what I think is whiskey, oh and it's Alexandjros favorite. 

I get up and look around cause dumb fucks didn't even think to tie me to the damn chair. As I'm looking around I only see one exit so I quickly make a plan, first I grab a match box I see and a box of whiskey, I por whiskey all over the room until it's covered.

Once I finish doing that I grab the box and my matches before heading towards the door I turn the handle, dumb fucks didn't even lock the damn door. I quietly open the door to see if there's any guards which there's not. After I make sure the coast is clear I walk up the stairs I make my way to the kitchen and don't see anyone there so I quickly drense the whole kitchen.

When I go to pour some more I hear someone says "I'm going to check on that bitch" before getting up and walking towards the kitchen, I quickly hid he goes down the steps while he is down stairs I pour some more whiskey and go to open the door I hear another voice say "what the fuck is taking tony so long" then another replays "he's probably fucking her" I roll my eyes and turn around and walk out the door. 

I hear someone coming again as I'm lighting the match and see Tony "how the hell did you get out" "I just did know I want you to tell me who the fuck ordered you to kidnap me" I answer " and why the fuck would I do that" he spits at me " umm well probably because i can light your house on fire any second now" I answer with so much attitude.

"I ain't telling you shit you bitch" he spits out at me, I just roll my eyes before replying "ok" and I threw the match the while house went up in flames all I could hear was their screaming after admiring my work for a bit I grabbed my bottles of whiskey and jumped in the SUV.


It's been about 3 hours since i heard from my little girl, we are all trying to find her I got my best mand lione to find her last location it says she was at this cafe so I get Sayge to hack into the security system we see kahliannah walking out of the cafe and going gto her bike she starts putting her stuff in her back back before we see 3 men walk behind her one puts a clothe over her mouth.

She passed out and they put her in the back of the SUV before loading up, we watch the cameras u tul we can't I literally have no idea where she is. Eliza is freaking the fuck out because we just got our little girl back and she was taken again. I called all my allies to help me find her we are all currently in the living room, as we get ready to leave we hear the front door opens we all turn out heads to see who it is.

It's Kaidain and he looks fucking pissed, "did y'all fucking find her" he say fuming, I can already tell that he's going to be an excellent Mafia boss. "No we haven't but we're trying" some one says. "I don't even know why we're wasting our time on her boss" another guys speaks up 

Before I can even reply or do anything kaidain pulls his gun out and shots him in between his eyes. "Anyone else want to disrespect me or my girlfriend" he asked with a glare that can make any man piss there pants.

I walk over to him and put my hand on his shoulder, "don't worry we'll find her" I tell him he just nods his head before he starts shouting orders at his men and at the others guys I chip in and help him out so we can find my little girl faster.


Once I see the cafe I was at I get out the car grab the box of whiskey but not before I poured a bottle all over it and lighting a match and caring it on fire. I walk the rest of the way to my bike once I there I go In and order another coffee.

Once I pay I grab my phone off the ground and get on my bike hitting full spend to my house, I wonder what my family is doing. The drive to my house I listen to music on my air pods, once I see the gates to my house I pull up the guards recognize me and let me in I give them a nod before pulling in the drive way.

I park my bike and walk to the door still singing, once I open the door and stepping in I start singing to the song that's playing. Once I turn around I'm meet with a bunch of people most of them pointing guns at me I just raise my eyebrows at them. 

"Uhh why are y'all pointing guns at me" I ask they all lower their guns I put my coffee down and my bag and just as I let my bag down I'm being pulled into a bear hug at first I tense but I relax when I realized it's just kaidain.

"Hey baby" I say kissing his beautiful plump lips, but we are rudely Interrupted by my family. Momma runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug while whispering stuff I'm my ears I smile and wrap my arms around her soon my whole family joins the group hug.

When we pull apart I remember that I got everyone something, "oh I almost forgot" I say as I grab my bag when I open I pull out like 5 bottles of whiskey for Alexandjro and Dad and I give everyone else the goodies I got. 

I look at kaidain at say "you'll get your treat later" before kissing his lips he kisses me back, then we are rudely interrupted again only this time bye my best friends I give them all a hug and sit down in the couch."So princesspa are you going to explain how you escaped" papa asked me. I nodd my head at strat explaining everything that happened 



anyways love ya ❤️

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