Chapter 14: They stayed

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Kahliannah POV

Today I decided to tell my friends about my past and if they don't want to be friends with me anymore than that's okay but I have a good feeling about telling them. Hopefully my instincts are right and I don't end up friendless by the end of the day. Anyways right know I am getting ready to go to kaidains house to study and after that the others are coming over for a sleepover since kaidain is the next person on the list of yesh we made a list of who spend the night at and when. Anyways when I finish getting ready I go downstairs to chill with my family.

 Anyways when I finish getting ready I go downstairs to chill with my family

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Her outfit⬆️

I chill with my family for about 30 minutes before I get up and say bye and love y'all to everyone. I then take my bag a walk out side but before I could open my door or put my bag up the driver takes it from me i reply with a small thank you. As were driving I get my phone out and scroll through my camera roll and for the first time I notice that I have more that 2 pictures and that I'm smiling in them all.

Life has bed weird lately and it's not just the new family and ahit. Call me weird but I think everything has been to quiet and I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen I. An just feel ot. I mean they do say that there's calm before the storm and ways I have good news I told my family about my other identities. To say they were shocked is an understatement but they actually took it well and they also reasured me that they will never send me away.

I have also been going to my races, fights and missions know that my family knows . Also Damien and Delilah started dating know me and Kaidain are the only single ones in the group. Oh it's been about a month since the night kaidain technically confessed his feeling for me I don't know if it's just me but we have been getting a lot closer since then. I quit telling my self that I don't have feelings for him because it's not true I do have feelings for him and I don't want to stop even thought I'm scared.


We just pulled up to kaidains house the driver opens my door for me to get out he also hands me my bags I thank him before going and knocking on the door. After about 5 minutes of waiting the door opens and I'm meet with a shirtless kaidain with a towel around his waist. He steps aside for me to enter "so you always answer the door with no shirt on and a towel wrapped around your waist" I ask him "no but I had just gotten out of the shower and I new it was you" he say shutting the door after I walk in. He walks upstairs real quick to get dressed.

When he comes back downstairs he is still shirtless but instead of a towel he is wearing black sweats pants that are hanging dangerously low you can see his v line. "You if you take a picture it will last longer." Kaidain says smirking I just roll my eyes before walking past him to the living room.

-1 hour and 30 minutes later-

We just finished watching the second after movie for our project. I am making kaidain watch all of them before we start on the actual assignment. When I turn off the TV and I ask kaidain "what did you think about this movie." He looked at me and opened his mouth to reply but before he could the doorbell rang "I'll tell you later farfalla" he said getting up to answer the door I nodd my head and get up with him.

When we opened the door were meet with all of our friends "hey guy's" kaidain said opening the door door them. "Hey" they all reply. We go sit on the couch and I decided that it's time to tell them everything and get it out of the way. "Ok everyone sit on the couch I have something to tell y'all." I said pacing back and forth "you ok" Dylan asked me the other nods their head agreeing with him. "Yes I'm fine I'm just nervous" I said still pacing. I then felt someone pull me down onto their lap when I look to see who it was I seen Kaidain "calm down neonata there's no reason to be nervous.

I nodd my head and try to get back up but he keeps his grip on my waist I stopped struggling and just stay seated knowing I'm not getting up unless he wants me to get up. "Ok so I wanted to tell y'all about my past and I completely understand if y'all think I'm disgusting and don't want to be my friends anymore" after I said that everyone looked at me with confusion written all over their face.

"Ok so as you all know I was kidnapped from my family when I was 2 anyways when I was 3 my kidnapper's also known as anna and John started mentally abusing me by calling my names like 'slut' 'whore' 'ugly bitch' ands some more stuff they would also say that i am worthless and i will never be loved when I turned 7 they started physically abusing me which has been going on untill i came here anyways.

They would beat me almost everyday until I was nearly dead and sometimes they they would get their friends to come over and let them do whatever they wanted to me. To answer your unspoken question yes I was raped" when I said that the girls started crying more than they already were "umm I also wanted to tell y'all something else and y'all can't tell anyone ok" they all nods their heads since they are either crying or to angry to speak.

"Ok so I wanted to tell y'all about my other identities. Yes I have other identities and my family already knows anyways y'all probably already heard of the street racer and the fighter dark angle well that's me and I am also a assassin known as ash" after I finished telling them everything I expected them to tell me to leave and call me a whore and other names but instead of doing that they ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever and I even felt kaidain pull me closer into him. "We would never thank you are disgusting and we love so much also if it wasn't for you nun of us would be friend or even dating so thank you for being the best friend ever" Delilah says when i look up i see everyone crying even the boys.

Well kaidain isn't crying but he looks like he is fixing to kill someone. "You ok you look like your fixing to kill someone" I state "yes love im ok but whoever hurts you again won't be" he says looking my in the eyes. We keep staring at each other untill Ryder interrupts us "so what do y'all to wanna do" he ask "can we watch a movie I already have a good one in mind" I reply he nods his head and tells the others.

We get snacks and drinks for the movie then we go change into night clothes I stay in the outfit I'm wearing since I'm comfy. I lay next to kaidain he wraps his arms around my waist I snuggle into him more. As were watching the movie which is called ghosted I start thinking about all the events today and to say I'm glad that my friends are still by my side is an understatement. I feel my eyelids getting heavy I close my eyes but before I'm fully asleep I hear kaidain mutter "Im so glad you came into my life. You made me break my promise to myself but I don't care I think I love you" that was the last thing I heard before I let the darkness consume me.

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