The Power of Friendship(Sorta?)

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Jax? Why did that name sound familiar?

Why did the green prey look so sad?

Why did the crying prey look so hurt?





Then the red prey suddenly grabbed the green one.

"Hiyori!! Stay back!"

How dare that red prey take his...Hiyori? Was that what the green prey was called? Whatever.

How dare did that creature take his food away from him?!

It suddenly charged toward the red prey, knocking her away from the green one.

He was going to eat this one. Slowly, he prepared his hands-paws-and reached toward her.


The green prey suddenly ran in front of the red one, and was caught in his hands.

"Hiyori, NO!!"

The red one reached for the green prey, who struggled.

Caught. Take to lair.

Suddenly, he felt a tug on his leg.

"Let her go!!"

The blue and red prey was attempting to grab him, but immediately her hand glitched out, causing her to flinch.

"Don't touch it!!" The red nosed one spoke. "Run!!"

"But we can't just-"

"Just run!! Find Caine!!"

The other preys immediately scattered. But he didn't care. He finally got his catch and was going to have dinner.

He crawled, keeping a tight grip on the green prey in his hands. She occasionally screamed for him to let go, but he didn't seem to understand. 

Suddenly, he found another bigger hole, with some of the other prey. One of them had a white face and a thin, ribbon like body. The other looked like wood, shaped like one of those wooden toys he knocked over.

He roared, alerting the two. Without any hesitation, he charged, causing the two preys to jump into the hole. It didn't matter. He fell into the hole as well.

He landed on something. Squishy.



It was a large worm, covered in polka dots.

The most disgusting thing he ever seen. He began to stomp on it, jumping on it furiously.

He noticed the two other prey, accompanied by another prey, a pinkish triangle head, staring at him. But he decided to just avoid it. He simply kept on stomping on the worm...


"So...what do we do now?" Kinger asked. "What is that?!"

"Oh that's Jax." Zooble said, having noticed the familiar face on the abstracted's head.

"JAX ABSTRACTED?!" Kinger screamed in shock.

"He abstracted years ago, you dumb%$@."

"Poor J-jax..." Gangle sobbed.

"Why do you care about him?!" Zooble yelled. "He always broke your comedy masks!"

"B-but he doesn't d-deserve it..." Gangle whimpered, hurt by the remark from Zooble.

"Whatever. Let's just get out of here."


"The escalator."


The worm was defeated. He roared triumphantly. He had won. Suddenly, he felt a tug on his chest.


That name again. He looked down, finding the green prey in his right hand.

Of course.

He was hungry.

But he found he couldn't eat her. He only managed to get her just a few inches to his mouth.

"Jax...I know you're in there!"

That name. Could she stop calling him that? He attempted to speak to her, but only a distorted coo came out.

"Jax, you were the best person that I ever met. Don't you remember? We went through so much together!"

Nevermind. He was just going to drop her, set her free. But he didn't.

He just listened to what nonsense this prey-person, had to say.

"I failed you last time...but I'm not going to fail you again."

The green person slowly leaned forward and hugged him. Another familiar feeling surged through him.

"I'll always love you matter what form you take."

Warmth. Coziness. All flooding into him at once.

What was this feeling?




Whatever it was...he felt a sense of calm.

All the frenzied, wild instincts he had fell away, and came the soft, tenderness of life.

His life.



Hiyori closed her eyes, feeling the pain in her hands. It felt horrible to hug an abstraction, but it was worth it. Even if her words didn't work, she could at least spend a few minutes with Jax again.

But then the pain slowly subsided. Hiyori was confused. Was Caine there? She opened her eyes, and looked around. No sign of the crazy denture man.

Huh. That's weird. Usually the glitching would be cured by Caine. She turned back to face the abstracted Jax...but he had changed.

She wasn't standing on the hand anymore. She was on the ground, hugging a glitching but now normal Jax.  His eyes were closed and he was limp.


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