Super Bowl LVIII (Part 2)

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Today is the first day she is going to wear an item of clothing with his name on it, and she likes how it makes her feel giddy, eager to show off to the world. Kylie, the woman she already considers a sister-in-law, had given her a custom 'Kelce 87' jacket that matched her own tribute to Jason she wore last year, but with the obvious change out of colour from Eagles green to Kansas red. As she slips it on over her red Chiefs sweater and black leather skirt, she snaps a quick picture in the mirror, twisting round to show the back, and sends it to Travis.

      Go smash it baby!

      All the motivation I could ever need.

She meets her family in the adjoining hotel suite, her mom, dad and Austin all similarly decked out in Chiefs gear. They travel to the stadium together and enter their allotted suite, being greeted by the gathered Kelce clan: Ed, Donna, Jason, Kylie and the girls and a number of other family members. As they were there to support Travis, Kylie and Jason were more than happy to share the suite with Taylor and her family instead of being in the stands.

After the initial greetings, Taylor and Kylie pose for some pictures making sure to include Donna and Ed, as well as the girls. As they settle and take their seats to watch the National Anthem and everything that comes with the start of the game, Taylor finds herself sitting beside Kylie, with Wyatt on her lap playing with her phone.

'So. It's your first Super Bowl. Are you nervous?', Kylie whispers in her direction, somehow knowing that this is not a conversation she wants anyone else to hear.

'So unbelievably nervous. I mean, I get nervous for myself when I perform or do things out of my comfort zone, but this is for Travis and I haven't seen him in a few days, so my stomach just feels like its in knots', Taylor responds, knowing Kylie would understand.

'I get it. I was the same my first one, it's the lack of control or something. I don't have any good tips for you other than it will be over soon'. Laughing, Taylor nods and is soon distracted by Travis' adorable nieces, observing the day through their eyes.

Eventually, the players take the field, and Taylor can feel all the eyes of the stadium swivel to her as Travis runs out. She doesn't care though, as her cheeks blush and she claps and cheers for him like she usually does, and the camera captures him doing his signature archer pose in her direction. Gosh, she really loved that man.

The game begins, and the atmosphere is tense as the first quarter doesn't go their way, with the 49ers scoring two touchdowns and the Chiefs in negative yards. Taylor is surprised by how much Jason cannot watch, as Travis fumbles the ball close to the end zone for an interception with 30 seconds on the clock.

Swallowing down her anxiousness, Taylor rises to get a drink and some food, hoping the distraction will help her. She's joined by Donna, who doesn't say anything, just silently pats her shoulder and nods, and Taylor feels better knowing she's not the only one needing to take a breather.

As the game progresses, she can barely watch, and doesn't even take in the halftime show, the only bit of the Super Bowl she used to watch. It comes down to the fourth quarter, and the Chiefs have come back to tie the game 21-21, currently in possession of the ball with 15 seconds left in regular time. Hoping against hope, the whole Kelce suite is standing up as Patrick throws the ball to a wide-open Travis, who darts and weaves through the 49ers defense to score a touchdown.

The noise is deafening, the blood pounding in her ears as Taylor watches Patrick run to Travis, the pair finally showcasing their long-awaited victory handshake, and she feels herself being pulled into a family group hug. It's not until she sees Kylie pass her a tissue that she realises she's crying, the happy tears running down her face as the game ends and the red and gold confetti covers the ground below.

'Get yourself cleaned up, and then we're going down to see him', Kylie says, smiling as she hands Taylor her bag and pushes her in the direction of the bathroom, eager to see her brother-in-law and his reunion with Taylor.

It had taken a lot of planning - and a lot of extra security - but the Chiefs had made sure that if Taylor was able to be there, and if they won, she would be able to come down to the field to congratulate Travis. As she walked with the family, she couldn't help but grin from ear to ear thinking about what this meant for Travis, how happy he would be - and the fact that the season was finally over, and they could spend more time together.

She spots him almost immediately, doesn't need the pointer from Jason, and surprises herself by breaking out into a run towards him in the centre of the field. He has his back to her, talking to Patrick, who tells him to turn around just in time to catch her.

Their lips meet first, his arms around her second and then he's spinning them, there is confetti in her hair and she notices he's crying the happy tears now, too.

'I'm so proud of you baby. I knew you could do it', she whispers in his ear, keeping her arms around his neck, this moment just for them, despite the cameras now surrounding them.

'I did it for you, Tay. I knew you were here and it was all the motivation I needed. I love you', he replies, smiling broadly at her and she thinks her heart might be fit to burst at the sight of his giant of a man saying such sweet things to her.

She kisses him again then, blinded by the lights of the cameras surrounding them but she doesn't care, happy to finally show off the fact that she has a man willing to show up for her, so she'll show up for him.

Later, when they're both in the hotel room, happy in each other's arms, she can't quite believe how they got here, but thanks her lucky stars that she wrote that line about friendship bracelets.

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