Two's Company

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End of August, 2027

'Okay Mia, time to go see Daddy. Are you excited?'

'Daddy! Let's see Daddy!'

Taylor laughs at her daughter as she watches her hurriedly look for her shoes at the mere mention of Travis, eventually finding her red and white Nike sneakers hidden under the couch.

Travis had been away for the last couple of weeks at training camp, leaving Taylor at home in Kansas City with Mia and Annie - and their new little baby they'd found out about at the end of July.

No sooner had Taylor talked to Kylie about having a third baby at Mia's birthday party when her body suddenly decided she couldn't stomach the smell of chicken, heaving at even the mere mention of it.

Distracted by her busy life and looking after both kids, she hadn't really put much thought into it, other than thinking of the inconvenience of feeling ill, until Annie suddenly no longer wanted to nurse - and it clicked. She'd taken a test that evening, the words 'Pregnant - 2-3 weeks' flashing  back at her from the little screen.

Travis had been at the facility, so she excitedly dug through Mia's old clothes, pulling out the shirt she'd embroidered to tell him she was pregnant with Annie. She dressed Annie in it when she woke up from her nap, and Travis had arrived back home when she was in the kitchen preparing dinner, Mia watching a show and Annie in her jumper in the living room.

'Taylor!', she heard Travis call out, and the scene was eerily similar to the last time she'd done this - Travis holding Annie up at his eye level, reading her shirt, the baby giggling at him.

'Yes, Travis?', she asked, holding back a laugh, leaning against the doorway.

'Does this mean what I think it means, or are all her other clothes in the laundry?'

'It means what you think it means, Trav'.

She watches as tears spring up in his eyes and he moves Annie to sit on his hip, walking over to her, and taking her into his arms. 'Really baby? Are you really pregnant?'

'Yes Trav. Baby number 3, coming in hot'.

He laughs through his tears, kissing her soundly, and they laugh when it's interrupted by little hands on Taylor's face, Annie reaching for her mother.

'You're going to have to share the attention soon enough, baby', Taylor tells her, taking her off Travis, and she contently curls her head into her mother's neck.

Travis takes both of them into his arms, squeezing Taylor's waist. 'I can't believe it, baby. 3 under 3. We're officially crazy'.

Taylor laughs along with him, reaching up with her free hand to wipe his tears away. 'Definitely. But the best kind of crazy, right?'

'The absolute best', he nods in agreement, his hand lowering to rest over her stomach.

'How did you know to take a test? You can't be very far along'.

'I heaved at chicken last night at dinner, remember? And then this one here', she tickles Annie's tummy, before continuing, 'didn't want to nurse today, and I remembered reading that your milk changes flavour when you're pregnant, meaning the baby doesn't want it. So I took a chance and took the last test in the cupboard. It said only 2-3 weeks, so it must have been that night they had a sleepover at Brittany's', she informs him, hitting his arm as he wiggles his eyebrows at her.

Travis kisses the top of her head before turning to Mia, currently snuggled on the sofa with her favourite blanket. 'Baby girl, you're going to have another brother or sister!', he says as he walks over, lifting her into his arms and twirling her around.

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