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December 25, 2024

Christmas Day. The best day of the year.

Unlike last year, Travis and Jason played on Christmas Eve and so they are free to celebrate the holiday with family, how they really wanted to.

Ever the hostess, Taylor had invited their families to Kansas City for the holiday, meaning that not only were her mom and dad and brother Austin going to be there, but so were the Kelces - Ed, Donna, Jason, Kylie and the three girls.

She had spent most of the last week getting ready - buying gifts, baking, decorating - until Travis had taken her in his arms on December 23rd and reminded her that what their families really wanted was to spend time with them, so she really shouldn't worry.

With that said, she was still anxious. It was the first major holiday that they would all be spending together, in one room, and she wanted it to go well. Besides, her and Travis had a special announcement to share, and she wanted it to go perfectly.

However, that was easier said than done when you're 12 weeks pregnant and your baby is determined to make you hate every food you try to consume. Just yesterday at Arrowhead, when she tried a bite of the chicken tenders on offer, she had to rush to the bathroom in the suite to vomit up her breakfast. Despite her best acting skills, her disappearing act was noticed by Brittany, who followed her in with a sympathetic smile, expecting her third baby herself.

'How far along are you?'

Whipping her head around from her spot on the bathroom floor, Taylor chuckled. 'How did you guess?'

'Aside from the fact that you just barfed your guts up after you tried to eat chicken, I'd say it was the fact that you stopped drinking wine about six weeks ago' the blonde responded, offering a hand to help Taylor off the floor and a mint from her bag.

Accepting gladly, Taylor laughed and started to comb her hair, which mercifully had managed to stay out of the way while she was puking. 'Always knew that white wine would catch me out eventually. And I'm 12 weeks today, actually'.

Brittany squealed as she pulled Taylor into a tight hug, with the singer shushing her friend. 'You're sworn to secrecy! We haven't told any of our families yet, it's going to be our Christmas Day surprise. Well, apart from Kylie, she already knows'.

Taylor felt herself pulled into another hug, accompanied by all the questions an experienced mother knows to ask. As they chatted, she couldn't help but be excited to share this journey with Brittany and day dream about her baby playing with the Mahomes children, Sterling and Bronze.

Later, when she told Travis about the incident, he laughed and said 'At least everyone will know by tomorrow', causing butterflies to jump into her stomach - but the good kind.

When morning came and they both headed downstairs for breakfast, Taylor teared up when she saw a third stocking on the mantelpiece that wasn't there when she went to bed. The stitching which read 'Baby Kelce' matched hers and Travis traditional red velvet stockings, and as she ran her finger over the name she felt his hands wrap around her -as yet - non-existent bump.

'It only felt right that she be included, I mean, it is our first Christmas as a family of three', he whispers into her ear.


'Well yes, you know we both think it's a girl'.

'Only eight more weeks and we can find out for sure. Trav, I love that you did this.' She spins around in his arms, stretching up to kiss him.

The rest of the morning passes quickly, a batch of cinnamon rolls consumed while exchanging presents, just the two of them. It's not lost on either Taylor or Travis that next Christmas, they get to play Santa, and that seems like the most magical gift of all.

Close to noon, Taylor decrees it is time to get ready for their visitors, who are due to arrive from around 1pm. Travis heads upstairs to get dressed while Taylor heads to the kitchen, checking on preparations for their Christmas dinner. It doesn't take long for the smell of the turkey to make her insides heave, and she wonders how on earth she'll make it through dinner without anyone guessing their news.

Soon enough, security alerts them that the first batch of family has arrived, and it's the Swifts - her dad Scott, mom Andrea, brother Austin and Austin's girlfriend, Sydney.

Austin makes them chuckle as he appears once again in his Chiefs Santa hat, declaring that it is his piece of Christmas goodwill for Travis. The rest of the family are greeted with hugs, and they take their places in the living room, with Andrea following Taylor to the kitchen.

'Are you sure you're okay, honey? You look a little green'.

Breathing through her nose to try to avoid the scent of the dinner she was preparing, Taylor shrugs her shoulders as she responds, 'Just don't have as much make up on as usual, mom, I'm good'.

Not quite believing her, Andrea drops the subject, choosing instead to lend a hand with the food preparation.

Ed and Donna arrive separately but not long after each other, and then along comes the last of the Kelce clan: Jason, Kylie, Wyatt, Ellie and Bennett.

Travis is expecting an enthusiastic greeting from his nieces, but his nose is out of joint as he swings open the door and the two older girls shout 'Auntie Tay!' while running towards the kitchen where they know all manner of baked goods are waiting for them.

Pouting, Travis takes Bennett from Kylie's arms, following the girls to see that they do indeed both have a cookie in their hands, their other hands wrapped up in Taylor's as they tell her about what Santa left for them.

Smiling to himself, Travis takes in the scene and can only imagine what sweet treats their own baby will talk her into. He kisses her neck as he walks by, setting Bennett down in the high chair, while calling everyone in for dinner.

Dinner was fantastic, as usual, and Taylor was proud of herself that she managed to make it through without having to make an unscheduled bathroom stop. Everyone was now back in the living room, exchanging presents, with the girls having gone first and squealing with glee at the Barbie set up gifted to them by their aunt and uncle.

Sensing it was about the time to share their news, Travis stood up, clearing his throat to get everyone's attention. 'Emm, if everyone could just listen up... Taylor and I have some news to share', he starts nervously, scratching the back of his neck as Taylor joins him, pulling his arm down around her shoulders.

A little voice pipes up from the floor. 'Is it that Auntie Tay is going to have a baby?' Wyatt says, innocent eyes peaking up at her uncle.

'Err Wy, how did you know that?' Taylor starts to giggle, amused that their plan has been foiled by the five year old.

'There's a stocking up there that says Baby Kelce. I can read now you know, and I know my mommy isn't having a baby'.

Travis' face is such a picture, Taylor can't help but want to laugh. His sweet gesture had spoiled the surprise - but their family didn't care.

The first one out of their seat was her mom, wrapping her in a hug so tight she had to say 'mind the baby', in the middle of her laughter. One by one they congratulated the happy couple, everyone descending into laughter once again when Kylie said: 'I can't believe Wyatt noticed there were 3 stockings up there. I thought for sure I'd spill the beans! Next she'll guess when you're going to propose, Trav'.

Travis laughed along with them, knowing in the back of his mind that when they gathered for Christmas next year, there would be no need for guessing.

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