Happy Fourth July

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July 4, 2025

Waking up at 9am was not normal for Taylor - now, or any other time in her life.

She usually was the first one awake, not needing an alarm, woken by her internal clock and most of the time, a new lyric or melody that just had to get out of her head. She was definitely the one awake before Travis, who was able to sleep like the dead, needing 10 alarms in a row to make sure he got up on time.

This morning, however, when she cracked her eyes open and saw that it was 9am, she was delighted because a) it was a holiday, so sleeping in was almost a requirement; b) their family were coming into town this afternoon, so she didn't have much longer to wait to see her mom; and, most importantly, c) today was her due date, so she'd take every little bit of extra sleep she could get.

Surprisingly, though, Travis' side of the bed was stone cold, meaning he had clearly been up for a while, managing to not disturb her as he went downstairs. She remembered, then, that he and Jason had agreed to record a summer episode of the podcast this morning before they flew out, so that they could have it done and banked for next week, when there would definitely be a newborn baby in the house.

She decides to get ready before heading downstairs, knowing Travis won't be finished for a while, and manages to shower and dress before Travis is done. Arriving into the kitchen, she finds he's already been thinking of her this morning: coffee mug under the machine, her preferred Nespresso pod already prepped and ready, with a note beside a bowl with her favourite granola to say he had cut up fruit for her and it was waiting in the fridge.

His thoughtfulness was one of the things she loved most about him, and it hadn't just started when she was pregnant. He was always attentive to her needs, noticing every little change in her mood, picking up on her anxieties and learning her coping mechanisms. It had been a welcome change of pace in her life, to have someone so willing to think of her first, and sometimes it still made her head spin.

He had always been thoughtful and accommodating, too, of everything that came with dating Taylor Swift: the paparazzi, the media presence, the pressure on his family. Not once had he wavered, even when she had warned him of it in the beginning, and that's how she had known this was going to be special - and boy was she right.

Travis appears in the kitchen while she's halfway through her breakfast, engrossed in reading a message from Jack, who had dissected the lyrics she had sent him yesterday and annotated his thoughts.

'Hey there, sleepyhead. Not often I have a head start on you in the mornings', he smiles, coming to hug her from behind as she sits at the kitchen island.

She sighs, leaning back into him, turning her head to peck his lips. 'It's tiring work, growing your daughter, Kelce'.

'I won't argue with you there, Tay'.

They enjoy their coffees together, catching up on the podcast recording, and soon its time to tidy up the house, awaiting the arrival of their families.

Even though it was her due date, Taylor knew it was unlikely that she'd go into labor, and she wanted to celebrate the holiday, knowing it was one of Travis' favorites. Her parents and Austin had flown in last night, staying in Travis' old place, and his parents, Jason, Kylie and the girls were coming by this afternoon for the day. Usually, Travis was never in KC at this time of year, but given the circumstances they had all decided to enjoy the holiday in the Midwest.

When everyone did arrive that afternoon, Taylor found that her usual tiredness was overtaken by excitement, knowing that in just a few short days she would have her baby girl in her arms. Kylie, taking a break from directing Jason and Travis who had opted to man the grill, sensed she was having a moment as she watched the girls play in the pool from the porch, and came to sit beside her.

'It's crazy, just you wait. Soon enough that baby will be jumping into the pool with them'.

Taylor laughs, knowing that she's right. 'Time really does move quick, huh?'

'Yeah. I think someone I know said it best when she wrote a little song called Never Grow Up', Kylie says, half laughing but there's a serious tone to her voice, too.

'I just can't believe that soon I'll have her in my arms. I've been imagining this day since November, you know? Well of course you know. It's just crazy to me, how everything has changed in just two years. How lucky I am to have found you all, that you've accepted me, and now I'm having my own daughter. I used to dream of this, as well as the career, and now it's both coming true'.

Kylie, not often given to crying, feels the emotion rise up, as she looks at her sister-in-law. 'Tay, we're all lucky to have you in our lives too. Don't underestimate yourself. And we all have never seen Travis so happy like this. That makes everything else worth it'.

They hug then, both giving into the emotion, and Travis watches from his spot flipping burgers, sensing that the two were having a moment, mom-to-mom-to-be. He's filled with excitement too, knowing that that next family get together like this he won't just be arriving with Taylor, but with their baby girl too. He can't wait for that to be reality.

The rest of the afternoon passes uneventfully, typical Fourth of July activities conducted - burgers and hot dogs consumed, five-a-side football played, ice cream eaten. That evening, after everyone had gone, Travis finds Taylor in the nursery, now completed and ready.

'Hey there, I couldn't find you', he whispers into the semi-darkness, noticing she is in the rocking chair, eyes closed.

'I came in here to put something away, and then the chair looked comfy. These Braxton Hicks contractions are kicking my butt, so I don't know what the real thing will be like'. She reaches out for his face as he crouches down beside her, hands caressing her stomach, and he looks up at her with a big, goofy grin.

'It's amazing, right? That the next time we see everyone, it will be because we've called them to tell them that she's here. I can't believe I ever got so lucky to have you, Tay, and now we're having a baby of our own. Thank you'.

'Trav, I feel the exact same way. In fact, I've been an emotional wreck thinking about it all day. I love you and can't wait to meet our baby girl'.

They head to bed then, Travis moving the already packed hospital bags from the nursery to the front door before going to sleep, knowing that 2 will become 3 in just a few short days.

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