Christmas Eve

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December 24, 2026

The morning started like every other had recently: Taylor, exhausted from being so heavily pregnant, sleeping in and Travis taking care of Mia, their little early riser.

Today she woke just after 9, her phone ringing on the nightstand. She reached out to answer, not even checking who was calling, before groggily saying, 'Hello?'

'Hi, Taylor. Just checking in, how are you feeling?'

She smiled when she heard her dad's voice on the other end of the phone, knowing his anxiety about his little girl had increased as she neared the end of her pregnancy.

'All good daddy. Just a little uncomfortable, and tired, but we'll get there eventually'.

They chatted for a while longer, Scott promising to fly in just as soon as Travis had given the word of baby's arrival. She got out of bed and pulled on Travis' robe, put on her slippers and pulled her hair on top of her head, before going downstairs to find out what Travis and Mia were up to.

Her walk was slower than usual, the bump making it harder to get down the stairs than she was used to. She made it down to the living room before she spotted them through the window: Travis holding Mia on the porch while they watched the dogs run through the snow that had piled up outside.

She knocks the kitchen window to get their attention, and she can hear Mia's delighted 'Mama!' through the glass. Travis smiles and whistles to get the dogs' attention, and they make their way back inside.

He sets Mia down to take off her coat, and Taylor laughs when she sees Mia's princess dress-up and pyjamas underneath, knowing Travis has already had a long morning.

'Morning, baby. How are you?', Travis asks, leaning down to kiss Taylor on the cheek.

'I'm ok, have a little bit of back pain, but it's manageable', she answers as he wraps his arms around her middle, his hands stroking up and down her back as she speaks.

'You're amazing. I love you', he whispers in her ear, before bending down to pick up Mia, who had been pulling on Taylor's sleeve to get her attention.

'There's my Princess. What have you been doing with daddy, sweet pea?', she asks Mia, taking her from Travis, her little head immediately resting on her shoulder and hand seeking comfort on Taylor's face.

Mia coos back at her, and Travis shoos them both to the living room, promising Taylor breakfast - and Mia a second one. He carries it through a while later, and they eat together on the couch, toast crumbs everywhere, Taylor laughing as Mia presents Travis with her baby doll and many outfits and he dutifully changes it as and when requested.

'You okay, baby?', Travis asks from his position on the floor beside Mia, noticing Taylor holding her back and face contorted in pain.

'Hmmm. That was a longer one', is her response, eyes closed.

'A longer one? Are you having contractions?'

Taylor opens her eyes to look at him, biting her lip. 'Erm yes. For the last hour or so'.

'Tay! Why didn't you tell me?', Travis jumps up to crouch beside her, hands immediately rubbing her back.

'It was just twinges every now and then, but they've been pretty regular now. Think it might be time to call Donna to watch this one', she points towards Mia, still happily playing with her toys on the floor.

Travis springs to attention, phone in hand and talking to his mom before Taylor can add anything more. He soon returns to say that she's on her way, and helps Taylor upstairs so she can get changed before they head to the hospital.

Twenty minutes later, they're in the entryway, Travis holding Mia and Taylor hugging her close, saying goodbye to their daughter for the last time as an only child.

'We love you Mia, we're going to get your baby sister. See you soon', Travis says with a final kiss to her forehead, passing her over to his mom.

In the car, Taylor is quiet, and Travis looks round when she makes a squeak of pain as another contraction takes hold. He was going to leave her to it, knowing his babbling doesn't always help her, except he notices her red eyes and tears on her cheeks.

'Tay? What's with the tears?'

Taylor takes a deep breath, pausing before she looks over at him. 'Oh, I just feel so guilty about Mia. Her whole life is going to change, and she has no idea. She's still a baby, really'.

Travis takes her hand and squeezes it in reassurance. 'Baby, it's only going to change for the better. She'll love having a little sidekick to run around with'.

'Oh I know, I'm being silly'.

'It's not silly, it's parenthood. You're allowed to feel it, especially with me'.

She gives him a shaky smile, squeezing his hand back, and soon they're at the hospital and in her room, Taylor's doctor telling them their baby girl will definitely be with them by the end of the day.

'You're doing so good, Tay', Travis says in encouragement, moving the hair that had stuck to Taylor's forehead, labor progressing as the afternoon wore on.

'Don't. Touch. Me', is her steely response, teeth clenched as her hand swats him away. Her eyes are closed, but he knows the look he would receive if he did it again, so he backs off, retreating to the chair beside her bed.

'Oh my god, I'm never fucking doing this ever again. Ever. You're not allowed anywhere near me', is her next repose, looking over at him as he watches what she's going through.

Travis is speechless, a rare occurrence, but he knows when to save himself and this is definitely one of those times. The nurse smiles wryly at him, and he smiles back, knowing nothing was actually directed at him in anger, rather at her current circumstances. He tells her he'll go get some more ice chips, his offer not acknowledged, and gladly takes a breather from the intense atmosphere that the day creates.

He quickly replies to a few messages and calls his mom, checking in on Mia and learning she had gone to bed no problem, Taylor's T shirt clutched in her hand. He's gone maybe 20 minutes in total, strolling back to Taylor's room with promised ice chips in hand.

When he opens the door, it feels like pandemonium, with more people there than had been all day.

'Where were you?', Taylor says to him, and he can sense the mood has shifted as he notes the tears streaming down her face.

'Oh baby, I just went to get some ice and check on Mia', he says, quickly coming round to her bedside and throwing an arm around her, Taylor gratefully grasping his offered hand for support.

'Well dad, good job you got back when you did. Baby will be here any minute'.

It was all over quite quickly, their little girl born just before midnight on Christmas Eve. Taylor cried as the doctor placed their baby on her chest, her little face contorted and screaming. Travis cried too, pulling both of them into his arms, and they are forever grateful for the nurse who takes his phone to capture those first moments for them.

In the early hours of the morning, while Taylor is sleeping, Travis cradles the baby as he types a message to send to the rest of the family, including some pictures of the latest addition.

Introducing our best Christmas present ever:  Annabelle Elizabeth Kelce, born 11.57, 12/24/26. 💖

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