A New Season (Part 2)

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Sunday August 24, 2025

'First day of the season, baby girl'.

Taylor looks down at her six-week old daughter, happily cooing in her bedside bassinet, having been content enough to let Taylor get showered without needing too much attention. It was a rare occurrence she wasn't in one of her parent's arms, normally only happy when with Travis or Taylor, so she was happily surprised she had complied with the plan so easily with Travis still not back yet.

She picks her up, pecking her button nose with a kiss, before tucking her in the crook of her arm and heading downstairs, wanting to prepare breakfast for herself and Travis before he got back from the hotel.

She pops Mia in her baby carrier, the closeness to her mother making the baby drift off to sleep, and Taylor is so engrossed in baking her sourdough loaf and cinnamon rolls that she doesn't hear Travis appear until the dogs start to go crazy.

'Shhhh guys, come on, you know the drill by now', Travis frantically tries to calm them, knowing that the likelihood was that Mia would be asleep.

'It's okay, she's still snoring', Taylor calls out, Travis rounding the corner to find his girls in the kitchen. Taylor hands him a cup of coffee and points towards the still-warm rolls, his eyes lighting up at the appearance of his favourite treat.

'Ah, I'm being spoilt today. Must be the first day of the season', he says as he takes the offered cup, kissing Taylor before softly kissing Mia on the top of her head, her brunette hair sticking up as she slumbers in the baby carrier.

They enjoy breakfast together, but before long Mia wakes up to join the party, and Taylor moves to the living room to feed her. Despite early struggles, she now feeds like a champ, and Taylor loves the closeness she feels to her daughter in the quiet moments, when she's the only one who can feed and calm her. Travis still gives her an expressed bottle every day, Taylor knowing how important it is that she has a break, but also wanting Travis to experience that closeness with Mia too.

Their friends and family start to arrive, as is customary on game day, and they are soon surrounded by loved ones. Donna is the first to arrive, making a beeline for the baby as Taylor is winding her over her shoulder. 'Be careful, she's just been fed!', she warns as she hands her over to her grandma and bids goodbye to Trav, who heads to the stadium.

Knowing that she's in good hands, Taylor goes upstairs to get ready, excited to get back to Arrowhead for a new season. Once dressed, she calls for someone to bring the baby upstairs, and Kylie appears then with Mia, her and Jason and the two older girls having flown in for the season opener, making the most of their first opportunity to do so.

'Did someone call for a little Miss Kelce?', she asks, rounding the corner into Mia's nursery, where Taylor is laying out the baby supplies to be packed before heading to the stadium.

'Ky! I didn't know you guys were here already', Taylor envelops her in a hug, Mia cooing between them. They soon get Mia ready, dressed in an adorable red onesie with 'Daddy 87' on the back in gold. It was a present from the Clark family, and Travis had cried when he had seen it a few weeks ago, Taylor laughing at him being more of an emotional mess than she was.

They arrive and head to the suite, Mia tucked into her stroller bassinet with the smallest pair of ear defenders placed over her head. As they settle into their seats, Taylor thinks there may be more eyes on them than usual, necks craning to see if the baby was there too.

It was Taylor's first outing in public since Mia was born, and she had been nervous - to expose Mia to the public so early, her protective mama bear instincts kicking in; but also for herself - a fear of judgement of her parenting skills, or someone making a remark about the baby weight she felt she still had to loose.

But Travis had reassured her, telling her that Mia was their baby, and they could do as they pleased - and that of course he thought she was the most beautiful woman ever, even more so after having brought their daughter into the world.

Mia starts to cry from her stroller, and Taylor moves to get her, popping her back into her carrier to try to settle her amidst the noise and hubbub of the stadium. It seems to work, the baby quieting as she takes in her surroundings, and Taylor breathes a sigh of relief.

The game passes relatively routinely, the Chiefs winning as they head into the fourth quarter, but Taylor has hardly been paying attention, concentrating on keeping Mia happy. She finally settles again with only 3 minutes to go, falling asleep in Taylor's arms, her head tucked into her neck - just in time for Travis to score his first touchdown of the season.

The cameras, of course, pan to her, and she can't help but smile as they capture the back of Mia's onesie on the big screen, and she points to the number as everyone around her laughs and celebrates Travis' touchdown.

On the field, Travis sees his girls on the big screen, and he can't even pretend to keep his cards close to his chest, breaking out into a cheesy grin as he watches Taylor point out what Mia is wearing.

'Best feeling in the world, Trav. I told you!', Patrick shouts to him as they jog back to the sideline, slapping him on the back in friendly, congratulatory manner.

'You were right Pat. You were so fucking right!'

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