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SCREAMS AND EXPLOSIONS RATTLED IN HER HEAD. Blood and fire surrounded her as armored soldiers ran passed. Voices overlapped each other - all of them ringing out painfully.


"There isn't time..."


"Don't let your personal feelings get in the way!"

"I need you!"

"The dark side I sense in you."

"Everything is going as planned."

"Begun the Clone War has."

"Do not interfere, young padawan."

Anya gasped as her body lurched forward.

"Anya? Anya!" Wolffe jumped out of his meditation state as he saw his little sister collapse on the ground. "Anya, what's wrong?" He asked as he took her in his arms. The Jedi was shaking and he noticed that her skin was cold to the touch. "I don't understand. What's happening?"

"It is fine." Anya whispered as she clutched her head. "I'll get Kix."

"No," Anya shivered, but sat up. "This will pass. It was just a vision."

"A vision?" Wolffe repeated. "Like as in seeing the future? Are you joking?"

"I wish I was, this was not a pleasant one." Anya grunted as she wrapped her arms around herself. "Then again, they never are."

Wolffe didn't really believe in all that Jedi hoodoo, but he believed in Anya. He doubted that she truly saw the future, but something did scare her.

"What did you see?" He asked, humoring her.

Anya tucked her head into her knees as she pulled them to her chest. "Pain, suffering, war." Anya shuddered as she thought back to the final voice in her vision. It seemed to suck out all of the other noise leaving nothing but darkness, nothing but the cold. Anya had heard of that darkness before and she was petrified that she sensed it in own mind. It was the darkness of a Sith.

"War?" Wolffe asked. "The war is going to start? When?"

Anya turned to him, her hazel eyes wide. "Now."

"MASTER YODA!" Anya ran out into the rain as it pelted down on her. Wolffe trailed behind her, insisting on coming since he didn't want to leave her alone after her episode.

The Grand Master stepped off his ship and smiled politely at the padawan. "Good to see you again it is." He told her and Anya managed a weak smile back. "Knew of my coming you did. Know what I am here for you do."

"Yes, Master Yoda. But I must insist that you rethink what you are about to do." Anya told him.

"Rethink this why must I?"

"If you take the clones a war will start. A long one with pain and suffering. One we can never truly come back from."

"Exists there is no war without consequence. Die the Jedi will if we do not go." Master Yoda told her. Anya bit her lip as the rain rolled down her face. "I fear the Jedi will die at the end of this either way."

Master Yoda frowned at the girl. "Seen something you have. Frightens you it does."

Anya rubbed her eyes as the scenes from her vision came back. Blood, fire, war, death. "There was so much destruction." She said quietly. Yoda hummed. "Discuss your vision we shall. But first, rescue the other Jedi we must."

Anya sighed, knowing she could not convince him to change his mind. "I will get my Master."

Yoda bowed his head respectfully as Anya went to find Eshe, Wolffe walking by her side.

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