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Arielle was an orphan.

When Arielle was 4 years old, her parents decided to take a week-long family camping trip to the Grand Canyon. They began packing tents, sleeping bags, and all the necessary supplies to make the trip as comfortable as possible.

After being randomly awoken from an odd feeling in her chest Arielle unzipped the tent and stepped outside, feeling the cool night air on her face.

Soon realizing her family was missing, panic set in as she realized she was alone in the wilderness. The forest seemed eerily quiet and dark. The bad feeling in her stomach grew stronger as she realized she was lost and stranded in the middle of nowhere. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was not right.

Arielle was the only known survivor. Despite search and rescue efforts, her family was never found and she was left to cope with the aftermath on her own. Leaving her with a heavy burden to carry, yet she remained strong and resilient, determined to rebuild her life and honor the memory of her loved ones even at her young age.

Despite being placed in numerous foster homes, she never truly found a place where she belonged. She struggled to form lasting connections and felt like she was constantly uprooted and moved around.

Arielle was determined to make the most out of her life and honor the memories of her family. Refusing to let their deaths be in vain. she carried this determination with her as she grew up and faced challenges, always remembering the love and support her family had given her

She had practically grown up in the foster care system, bouncing from one home to another, until one day she got a call.

"hello this is arielle correct?"

"yes ma'am, what's up?"

"we found a family member"


"really. and he would like to
adopt you."

"when am i leaving"

"tomorrow. get everything
packed i will be there tomorrow.

arielle was thrilled

would this finally be her chance

would this be her forever home?

only time will tell..

authors note
i want this book to look
good, i'm genuinely trying 😣

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