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AUGUST 3, 2023📍houston, texas

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AUGUST 3, 2023
📍houston, texas

setting my lunch try on the table and sitting down as everyone followed in suit we began talking about the first half of our day

my lunch table had been the same for the past few years. me, caleb, nathan, bari, ada, and now athena

athena was the girl bari had been talking to for the past couple weeks, i wasn't too bothered by her being there because she kept to herself mostly

"i found out the name of the girl from this morning, her names arielle and she's in our grade" nathan as her took a bite of his sandwich

hearing her name come out of his mouth my jaw slightly tightened, i felt a sort of jealousy knowing he was calling her hot

but why did i care? its not like i like her or anything, so why do i care wether caleb has feelings towards her or not?

"oh yeah she was in our first period. she is kinda bad not gonna lie, what do you think romelo" caleb turned his head towards me nudging me

"oh uh shes alright i guess" i responded dryly still lost in my thoughts averting my gaze away looking around the lunch room

that's when i spotted arielle as she walked into the lunch room looking around like a lost puppy

watching as her turned her head in all ways looking for a empty spot somewhere, locking eyes with me in the process

she held the contact for a few seconds before breaking it walking to a empty table in the corner of the large room

in a way i felt bad that she had no one to sit with but i didnt want to bring her round all my friends because they were all little hornballs

shaking the thoughts away i turned back towards the group and continued talking until it was time for class again

parting ways from my friends again i began walking to my class alone as i had none of them in there with me

i wish i did because it was geometry and i knew it was going to be super boring. especially alone

walking in i spotted the face that turns my stomach everytime sitting in the back looking out the window

i sat in the seat next to her as when i walked in it was already super crowded and id rather sit by her than some random

watching as she picked at the bracelet she had on her wrist, it was a matching one with quan, they were very close and he was like a big brother to her

i admired their friendship a lot, mostly in the way of seeing her happy

since that first day she came to practice to now shes grew a lot, and not physical wise

going from being skittish and looking scared to freely talking to people and looking calm in a way

"you got a staring problem" was all i heard before i immediately began getting flustered not realizing i was staring that whole time

turning around to face the front i heard a slight giggle come from her, her laugh was super cute to me

again zoning out as the teacher yaps about who he is and blah blah blah until he finally said it was just a freeday and do whatever

turning toward arielle i decided i'd just talk to her to pass time

as we talked the whole class i found myself smiling quite often as i listened to her talk

her voice was so comforting and she was genuinely just a good person to talk to no matter the topic

our conversations were cut short as the last bell rang dismissing us to go home

"you wanna walk together outside?" i ask in hopes she'd say yes

nodding she smiled as she packed up her things and waited for me as i did the same

"so how was your first day of school" i asked knowing how nervous she was before

"it was actually not bad, people kept whispering about me the whole day but i didn't care too much. i only made one friend but that's okay" she began ranting about her day

as we began to walk down the stairs i spotted ethan and caleb standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me

walking toward where they were i heard arielle slightly huff in confusion and try to walk the other way before i grabbed her hand

"come this way im gonna go see my friends, you can meet them too" i told her to clear any confusion

shrugging in acceptance i let go of her hand and we shifted our focus toward them and walked

when we made it over to them we all dapped each other up and began walking as arielle awkwardly stood there

"you going to introduce yourself or just continue to stand there awkwardly" nathan said waving his hand in her face

elbowing him in the stomach he bent over in pain as caleb stiffed a laugh

"oh. sorry uh im arielle, romelos-" she said pausing trying to think of what to refer to me as

"friend" i finsh her sentence as she smiled slightly at the word

continuing to talk as we walked outside to where the student parking was we ended up splitting was and it was just me and arielle

"do you know if quan is back in town to get me? he's supposed to be my ride everyday but he wasn't here today" she said awkwardly rocking back and forth

before i could speak a car parked in front of us and the window rolled down showing quans and lavars faces

"hey twin" lavar said leaning out the window to dap arielle up, she was still learning how to because the first time nelson tried she was beyond lost

waving bye to me she hopped in the back and shut the door as quan winked at me before driving off

what is this girl doing to me

authors note



or no new chapter

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