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JULY 23, 2023📍 houston, texas

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JULY 23, 2023
📍 houston, texas

feeling my body be shaken i opened my eyes slowly seeing the person sitting next to me smiling

"we're landing soon" she smiled watching as i rubbed my eyes and sat up

i thanked her and quickly began gathering all of my belongings

as i sat there staring out the window the nerves began to set in, i was terrified.

what if he doesn't like me?
what if he decides not to adopt me?

millions of thoughts and senecios running through my mind

i was forced to push those to the back of my mind as it was time to get off the plane

i grabbed my backpack and exited the plane, making my way through the airport, i can feel the anticipation building

i stood there looking around for a couple of minutes

i didn't see him..

i frantically look around the airport, searching for my uncle amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces.

my heart sinks as i realize he is nowhere to be seen.

until i heard my name being shouted

i turned around to see three people

a short blonde boy who had headphones on, a tall man with dreads smiling and who i assumed was my uncle

i began walking towards the group with speed, determined to reach them as quickly as possible

i was terrified but excited

they were eagerly awaiting the arrival of me

they we're holding a sign that was decorated all over

filled with colorful drawings and words of welcome, showing the effort and thought put into it

when i reach them my uncle hugs me

despise not being someone who typically enjoys physical affection

it was our first time meeting and yet, his hug made me feel welcome and loved

"not much of a hugger i see" he says laughing as he pulls away "i'm cam, this is nelson and that's lavar" the two wave

"i'm arielle" i smiled shyly not knowing what to say

as we began to walk to cams car lavar offers to take my bags

eventually, i gave in and let him take my bags

as we walked, he told me about some interesting places he could take me to get familiar with the area

i immediately knew we would become very close, he already felt like family

soon we reach the car and put my bags in the trunk, then i find a spot beside nelson in the back

"i was so excited to meet you, it's like you can be my new best friend. plus we're almost the same age so it's perfect and-" nelson rambles the whole car ride

i just smile listening

still working on my people skills

this is something i have struggled with in the past

unfortunately being in foster care i didn't have many friends

i learned over the years to appreciate the power of active listening

by truly listening to others, i am able to understand their perspectives and connect with them

but i wasn't too bothered, i liked the peace in being alone

i ended up falling asleep somewhere along the ride

authors note
i don't really like this chapter buttttttyt yeah😍
i might redo this

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