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AUGUST 8, 2023📍los angeles, california

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AUGUST 8, 2023
📍los angeles, california

We have now landed in Los Angeles you may now  unbuckle and take your luggage from the over head bins , thank you

as i unbuckle stretching my legs out fully a slight groan slipped out of my mouth

pulling my beats down to my neck i looked over at daquan who was as happy as could be texting his little girlfriend

i had only met her twice but she was genuinely the sweetest person ever and admired the big brother friendship me and daquan had

i hoped i could get to know her more in the future because i needed more girl friends i was getting tired of being surrounded by men 24/7

some of these guys need to step their game up and get some girlfriends so then i can have friends

following in suit as everyone around me including daquan and romelo who were boxing me in stood

as i stood i felt a sharp pain in my back making me groan in pain closing my eyes

as i felt a hand on my shoulder i turned around to see romelo asking if i was okay

i nodded putting my hand on my back, it was probably just a little pain from sitting for so long, right?

as i lagged behind everyone walking into the hotel i still felt a sharp pain in my back, and it felt like it was getting worse

but this was a big game, i didn't want to distract anyone and draw attention to me

i had noticed that every now and then romelo would turn to check if i was okay resulting in my nodding everytime

as i made it to everyone i noticed they all started
dispersing and leaving in pairs

standing there in confusion daquan walked up to me grabbing my shoulder making me flinch in pain

"he- woah you good?" he asked as i just nodded smiling in pain "cam said your with romelo unless you wanna go with someone else. up to you"

"it's fine i'll just stick with romelo" i said forming my lips in a line. he smiled hugging me before walking off with karter

i sighed as i looked to see romelo in the corner looking down at his phone

i slowly walked my way over to him as he looked up putting his phone away quickly

i just shook my head smiling slightly as i followed him to the elevator

"yo you good, you been walking kind of off" he said turning his head in question

waving him off  "don't worry about it" i replied looking down at my feet

he hummed in response as i just huffed being greatful he disregarded it, i hated having attention on me

as i stared at my feet i heard a ding sound echo signaling we were on our floor

in unison me and romelo looked at each other before he walked out first and began to look for our room

as i trailed behind him i felt my phone buzz in my pocket making me pull it out in curiosity

as i trailed behind him i felt my phone buzz in my pocket making me pull it out in curiosity

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so i may or may not have accidentally
book a one bed room😀😀😀😀
love you pooks

yk im still not 100 with him

its nap time

sleep w one eye open

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