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AUGUST 4, 2023📍houston, texas

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AUGUST 4, 2023
📍houston, texas

tomorrow was the day. the first day of school.

i had never attended an high school before, i was homeschooled when i lived in alaska

and even worse, i had no friends that went to the high school i was attending

the people i knew was the boys from the team, but i don't think they liked me too much beside quan and lavar

i do believe i can manage, i did all these years by myself who said i cant do it now

although i have no knowledge of what to expect when walking into the doors im just going to walk in like i've lived this day many times before

i decided i wanted to get everything ready tonight so when i woke up i had no worries

first was outfit, i was the most indecisive person when it came to picking an outfit

angrily throwing clothes around the room trying to find something from my suitcase i eventually gave up laying on the floor groaning

i heard a slight knock on the door, "come in" i sighed sitting up wondering who it might be

as the door opened in walked nelson, lavar, daquan and romelo. i instantly began regretting my decision of saying come in

"can't figure out an outfit?" daquan said looking around the room, "how'd you know" i replied throwing my head back groaning falling onto the bed

recently me and daquan had been talking a lot more and we found out there's actually a lot similar between us

almost 90% of my days i was with daquan or lavar, he'd become my best friend and i became his. we just connected so easy and flow together so well

i was just happy i was still hidden from the public because they already tried shipping me with lavar, gross.

watching as the group got into a huddle and began whispering i continued to watch this odd scene wondering what they were going to do next

one thing about the team was they were unpredictable, you never knew what was going to happen

next thing i know im being thrown over daquan's shoulder and carried out of the room and down the stairs all the way to the car as everyone followed close behind

finally being put down allowing me to catch my breath and begin protesting whatever they were plotting to do

"whatever yall are planning dont include me" i said pointing at every single one of them before turning on my heel to go back inside

"even if it include shopping" was the last thing i heard before i turned my happy ass around and spedwalked to the car getting in not saying a word

hearing faint laughs and whispers from outside the car everyone soon joined me and we were off to the mall

i was in the back planted between daquan and romelo as nelson was in the front whist lavar drove

i thankfully had my headphones around my neck when they decided to bust in and kidnap me so i could drown everything out until we got to the mall

music had become a escape from reality at a very young age for me

growing up in the system was a very stressful thing and sometimes it got too much to the point i would wear my headphones for hours end

i was happy to be out of that place. grateful for  having someone to call family at the moment

although cam hadn't technically adopted me yet i still consider him my family

all i can do is hope and pray that he decides to go through with the process and actually adopt me, i don't wanna be tossed around again

i was beginning to really miss cam, it had been almost a week since i seen him. just really hope i can see him soon

as we drove i felt myself get consumed in drowsiness as i began to doze off falling onto someone's shoulder

feeling a shake i jumped up to see what the motion was coming from, sliding my headphone off and looking around i saw no one in the car until i averted my attention to whoever shook me

it was romelo. he didn't say anything but put his hand out indicating to help me get out of the car

thanking him quietly as i stepped out we walked shoulder to shoulder in silence only sound being the stomps of our shoes on the concrete

glancing down at romelos shoes i admired them, everytime i saw him he would have different shoes and they always were super nice

knowing he comes from money i figured he had a decent size collection of shoes

i had always wished i was born to money so i could have anything and everything i wanted catered to me

snapping back to reality i walked straight into daquan who was standing facing me

awkwardly smiling he threw his arm over me and we all began walking into the mall

i never wanted to leave this moment.

i had finally found my people.

authors note

you asked i provided

lowk didn't eat this buttttt in a few chapters TRUST it's eating


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