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AUGUST 3, 2023📍houston, texas

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AUGUST 3, 2023
📍houston, texas

walking through the doors of the place i hated the most i groaned seeing all the people

i hated school. i hated the work, i hated the people i hated everything

as i walked to the gym to pick up my schedule i would glance around to observe how much people changed over the summer

after getting my schedule i walked out to the courtyard to just sit and wait for school to actually start

i didn't really like very many people here, they were all stuck up and annoying

i had a small little group that i stuck with and that was it, i didn't need anyone else

finally spotting my friends, nathan bari and caleb, i rose from the table i was planted at and began to walk towards them as they did to me

dapping them all up we began comparing schedules, we shared a few classes together but none all together

the only thing we all had together was lunch and basketball minus caleb because he didn't do basketball

"yo i saw the hottest girl this morning when i was walking in, i think she's new" nathan began as we all started walking to a table

"hopefully i see her around i wanna know if she actually all that or not" bari said as nathan smacked his lips

nathan was known to have a not so good history with girls looking good, every girl he hyped up was busted

as we continued to talk we heard the first bell which meant it was time to go to class

parting our ways me and caleb began to head to our first period which we had together

we always seemed to get science class together, for the past 5 years we've ended up together some how

walking into the classroom i observed everyone who was in here, it was very scattered from popular people to nerds

me and caleb walked to the back and got seats that were right next to each other

watching as more and more people flowed in i saw her

i dreaded school because of her, sky waters was one of the most annoying, loud, and obnoxious people i had ever meet

and to make matters worse she was obsessed with me for some reason

no matter what i did i could never get her off my back, it had been like this since the 5th grade

immediately putting my head down in hopes she wouldn't notice me i heard a high pitch squeal and my name be yelled

well shit

next thing i know shes launching herself at me in attempts to hug me

it wasn't the first time she's done this. i've made a whole routine of how to dodge her which is simply just moving, she's stupid she falls everytime

awkwardly standing up she smiles and sits in front of me

glancing at caleb i notice him holding back a laugh, groaning i put my head down as the final bell rings and the teacher walks in

tuning out the teacher as she begins yapping about who knows what i hear a knock at the door

as she walks over to open it i watch as someone enters but i cant quite see whole as they had there back turned at the moment

all i could work out was it was a girl, she kinda looked like arielle from behind

i shake my head of any thoughts as i was trying to forget of arielle, recently i had began thinking about her more than i should've

she had officially invaded my mind

"class i want to welcome arielle. she is new this year and as i know your all accustomed to knowing the same people but i want you to welcome her" the teacher says as arielle awkwardly smiles shifting in place

"you can sit where you'd like but i only really see one open seat by romelo. he's the one-" the teacher began before arielle cut her off walking to the back of the class

as she slowly walks back everyone turns and watches her whispering

i could tell it was making her uncomfortable as she put her head down slightly bitting her lip

finally reaching the back of the big classroom she set her bag down and plopped in the seat beside me sighing

i debated saying something to her but instead just smiled when she locked eyes with me

authors note
im gonna redo this i js needed to get it out

also i logged myself out on accident and bout had a heart attack



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