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AUGUST 8, 2023📍los angeles, california

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AUGUST 8, 2023
📍los angeles, california

soon after finding out the bed situation me and arielle went back in forth on who got the bed for the night(s)

i said i should get the bed since i was the one who had the game and she surprisingly agreed which made me even more mad changing sides

she kept repeating that she genuinely didn't care where she slept she just wanted to sleep asap because she was exhausted

giving up on the bickering back and forth we order room service and laid in the bed as we both watched a movie

an hour in i looked over and saw arielle asleep, finally i mumbled to myself

my plan was to try and get her to fall asleep in the bed because in no way was i going to make her sleep on the floor

getting up to go take my shower i grabbed a towel along with my clothes locking the door behind me

after while i left the bathroom and found her asleep on a makeshift pallet next to the bed

i sighed running my hand over my face knowing there wasn't anything i could do since she was asleep, she was genuinely the most stubborn person i knew

staring at her i just took a deep breathe turning off the lights and getting comfortable in bed looking down at her one last time

i mumbled a goodnight to arielle even though she couldn't hear me, it just felt right to say

being awoke i heard muffled cries and sniffles as i looked around the darkness trying to find the source

shaking my hand in the air trying to find the switch i turned on the light as i looked down to arielle who was laying flat on her back bawling her eyes out saying my name

immediately bending down to her wiping her face and tucking the hair behind her ear trying to figure out what was happening

in between sobs i heard her pleading to help repeating over and over she couldn't feel anything or breathe

processing for a minute panic set in as i realized she was basically paralyzed and was in shock

jumping up and grabbing her phone i called the person i knew would answer immediately

a couple minutes later i heard pounding at the door as daquan ran in followed by cam

daquan scooped arielle up in his arms and began to run as fast as he could down the hall as cam banged on everyone's doors getting them to wake up

i quickly grabbed mine and her phones along with a sweatshirt for her since she slept in a tank top and quickly caught up with daquan

getting in the back seat of the car arielles head was layed on my lap as that was the most comfortable position she could be in

her cries still continued as she mumbled words of pain every couple minutes

stroking her hair i took off my headphones putting them on her to help attempt to soothe her

it seemed to of worked as her sobs soon became quiet sniffles and the tear filled eyes closed slowly with the music

impatiently tapping my foot me along with the rest of the team who came to support arielle all waited impatiently

when we arrived the doctors quickly took her away not allowing us to follow along

everyone else had managed to fall asleep but me daquan and cam as our nerves were eating us inside and out

after an hour or so a nurse walks in and the three of us stood up instantly

"i assume you know who im here about. well we don't know exactly but we believe she could've had a stroke from some kind of spinal cord injury, more specifically we believe it might've been periodic paralysis" she said with a straight face glancing down at the note book in her hand from time to time

as we all stared speechless not knowing how to gather our words or even what to say

being the first to speak up i stuttered slightly "so what does that mean for her? can she still walk? will it happen again?" i questioned imagining a future for her with this

"as we still aren't sure of the cause i can not say how regularly this will occur but yes this along with many other symptoms will show again. im sorry" was the last thing she said before walking off

in unison the 3 of us looked at each other before glancing over to the rest of the guys sighing

as we went to go sit back down i felt a tap on my shoulder as i spun around being engulfed in a hug from daquan

"don't say anything right now please, i just really need a hug." he said as i wrapped my arms around him feeling tears edge my eyes

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