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JULY 30, 2023📍 houston, texas

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JULY 30, 2023
📍 houston, texas

it had officially been a week since i moved in
and life has been great, never before have i been this happy

it had officially been a week since i moved in and life has been great, never before have i been this happy

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liked by 23,678 people

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liked by 23,678 people ..
ariellelopez: happier than ever

romelohill: you have good style
ariellelopez: thank you

camwilderr: 💓💓
ariellelopez: ilysm

nelson12345: yo
ariellelopez: sleepover when

lavarthecoolest: twinn
ariellelopez: 😛😛

user36473: how does she know them..
ariellelopez: i actually kidnapped them

basketballforlife69: this is MY bestie
ariellelopez: now quan what is your user..


recently my mind has been a empty void beside a select few thoughts

1. basketball
2. family
3. arielle.

i couldn't figure out how she found a way into my head

it was like she was a parasite, she had came to stay

just from that one interaction i kept replying the moment in my head

i soon began to feel major guilt from making her cry

i had debated wether or not to apologize

i decided i would just forget about it and hopefully so would she

i was sitting in nelson's living room as the team were all hanging out when i heard arielle walk in

smiling as she walked towards me her arm slightly grazing mine as she shuffled past to take a seat next to me

huffing as she plopped down on the coach she threw her head back groaning

"what's wrong with you sassy pants" nelson said followed by a few giggles from others in the room

"literally shut up your shorter than me, and i miss my bed at cams" she then closed her eyes for a bit

i took this time to just stare

she had such beautiful features

from her big brown eyes which you could get lost in on the first glance, to her plump lips which sat so perfectly on her face always glossed up with her lip gloss

as i saw her eyes flutter slightly i quickly look away avoiding her gaze as i catch eyes with daquan

he saw everything.

"im gonna go back to my room anyone wanna come watch a movie or something" arielle said as she began to stand up groaning slightly

"romelo mentioned wanting to watch a movie earlier, didn't you melo?" i turn to see daquan smiling sinisterly

her smiled dropped slightly but she waved me on to follow her

as i stood up i began to mouth cuss words at daquan before jogging slightly to catch up with arielle

she had been staying at nelson's for a few because cam was currently in the process of moving to a slightly bigger apartment

since arielle living with him was going to officially a long term thing he needed to upgrade

she didn't know he had decided to adopt her for sure yet, it was going to be a surprise

the whole moving apartment things he covered that "the rent was too much"

i was happy that i was being included in the whole surprise thing

we planned to do it on her birthday which was in 5 days

as we reached the guest room which was her temporary room she hurriedly picked up a few items before apologizing

"im so sorry it's messy in here" her voice sounded strained for some odd reason

i discarded it and took a seat in her bed grabbing the remote, "what you wanna watch"

shifting my glance from the tv to arielle who was facing the opposite way folding clothes

she shrugged before continuing to fold not bothering to turn around

authors note
short little chapter
in my come back era..?


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