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JULY 23, 2023📍 houston, texas

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JULY 23, 2023
📍 houston, texas

i was woken up to being shaken lightly

thats happened a lot recently

i opened my eyes to see lavar smiling before getting back on his phone

i looked out the window to see us pulling up to some sort of sport's building

they informed me that they had practice and offered for me to stay in the car

i needed fresh air so i went in plus i enjoyed watching basketball on the tv so i was excited to see it in person for the first time

as i walk in hand in hand with lavar everyone stares at me whispering

who's that          why's she holding his hand

why's she's with them        she kinda bad
                 she's a little young for him

when i turned to look at the people they hurriedly returned to what they were doing

i shrugged it off and continued walking

i was put in charge of the score board

as cam taught me i noted everything carefully so i didn't mess any steps up

cam left me be and called everyone into a circle

all the boys tried their best to pay attention to cam but kept looking at me, curious

i would wave every now and then

why was everyone so interested in who i was

watching everyone practice was really fun

i loved seeing how close everyone is and how much some people enjoy this sport

it was now the end of practice and cam called me over

i wasn't sure what for but i applied and it walked toward him

now standing next to him he finished his sentence before turning to me

putting a arm over my shoulder he began "everyone this is arielle" i just smile slightly wishing i would've stayed in my seat

"she's my niece and will be living with me for now on. you will most likely see her more often so i expect you to respect her"

as he dismissed everyone a few people came up asking me questions and exchanging instagrams

i was so high in the moment until i felt a tap on my shoulder

i turned around to see 3 boys standing there

turning my head slightly wondering what they

first one to speak was the one in the middle, he was shorter built but still taller than me and decently looking

i awkwardly stared not replying waiting for him to continue

"uh so word is your an orphan, that true"

i stared blankly nodding

he smiled a little bit looking at his friends like he was holding back a laugh

i felt tears begin to form in my eyes

why did people find the subject of being an orphan so funny

"why is that so funny" i say trying my best to keep it together

i was a very sensitive person, i would cry over the smallest of things

his laughing began to fade as he stared at me for a second with a look of concern

"i was just making a joke"

i was still froze in place

nelson walked up and shook me out of my trance

"hey you alright"

i look at him before glancing back at the other guys nodding and walking away with nelson

i turned around as i heard a faint sorry and the boy still staring at me

nelson asked me what happened but i convinced him it was nothing and i was just jet lagged

i didn't want to cause drama on my first day

nelson ended up convincing me to have a sleepover with him

nelsonneumann2028 has posted a story

romelo responded to your story that the the girl from earlier ??

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romelo responded to your story
that the the girl from earlier ??

authors note

lowk giving up on my books atm💕
this also was rushed so i'll redo

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