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Haden's POV

I pulled my hood over my head as I walked through the shittiest crap hole I have ever set eyes on. Gotham. I guess I was truly desperate if I came all the way here for help. Six hours on a smelly bus, two hours looking for this place, and five hours working up the nerve to actually ask for his help. Sighing, I finally knocked on the door of Wayne Manor. I still think I'm in the wrong place, but I'm not exactly a detective and way too tired to look into this right now. Just before I'm about to leave an older guy in a very formal looking outfit opens the door. He looked fancy and a little intimidating.

"May I help you?" He asks super politely.

"I'm looking for a friend." I reply. "Though I highly doubt he's here."

"And why would that be?"

"He's not fancy enough to live here."

"Master Timothy prefers to keep a low profile. I apologise for the confusion, but he does indeed live here."

"Who's Tim? I'm looking for Damian." The man's eyes widened when I mentioned his name. "Well, does he live here or not? I don't got all day." The man pursed his lips like people do when they're trying to think of something.

"I wasn't aware Master Damian had any friends. I shall alert him of your presence if I may have your name."

"Haden." The name slips out of my mouth. It was kinda weird to hear myself say the name.

"And your surname?" I cocked my head to the side. What was the old guy talking about. "Your last name, miss."

"Daniels." I did feel slightly bad about having no lie about my identity, but it was for the best. The less he knew, the better. No need for oldie to know my real name, even if he was a nobody. Looks can be deceiving. As a ten year old myself I knew how powerful impressions could be. "Now can I see him or are you gonna keep stalling?"

"How again do you two know each other, if I may ask?"

"Not that it's any of your business, Fancy Pants, but we're old friends. We go way back." Yup, all the way back to nine months ago when he "dropped" his wallet after our little outing in Happy Harbour. Not my fault he's lousy with his stuff.

"I see. Come inside and I will alert Master Damian of your presence." I move past him and step into the mansion. It was even cooler on the inside! If I wasn't here on urgent business, well I'd still be freaking out that my only friend was mega filthy rich. I sit down on one of the lavish (aka super stupidly expensive) couch and wait for the inevitable.

After what feels like hours, days, or maybe even years a boy my age with raven hair hair walks into my sight line. He studies me intently before finally speaking. That's what he looks like without the mask? Weird.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Damian asks in his usual I'm superior that everyone tone. I roll my eyes. Showtime. I got him here, now I just need to get him alone. Jumping off the couch, I wrap him in the biggest, fakest, yet genuine hug. After all, the old guy was still watching my every move.

"Nice to see you too, Damian." I greeted the ex-assassin warmly. "And here's to think I was worried that you didn't wanna see me." He tries to push me away, but I hold him tight.

"I don't know you." He hisses.

"I might look a little different than I did in Kentsville but it's still all me." He stops struggling against me instantly. I smirk at him. Point me.

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