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Jason's POV

I could not believe what I was hearing. I knew there was something about the girl I liked, but to steal from his utility belt was next level stuff.

"How did you get robbed by a ten year old?" I ask with a small laugh.

"I will admit that I was not expecting the girl to be a skilled pickpocket." Bruce grumbles. "I lost her on third and Elm. I need you to find her and bring her in."

"Depends. Are you asking for Jason or Red Hood."

"Whichever gets results. But no maiming or killing. Just bring her in before she goes too far."

"Way to take all of the fun out of this."

"Jason, there is no grey area here. Not only is she a kid, but she also means a great deal to Damian. We have to be delicate about this until we figure out what she's up to."

"Guilty. Let's just save time and call the executioner." I pause, realizing something. Since when did Bruce let any of us, let alone me, take lead on a case like this. "Who are you and what have you done to Bruce?"

"A little context would be helpful."

"You're letting me take lead. What are you up to?" I hear a long sigh come over the comms.

"I'm looking into this Renegade. The girl you fought yesterday."


"Find Haden and I'll fill you in later."

Haden's POV

Run. Just keep running. I was caught between a rock and a hard place which led me to make one of the dumbest mistakes of my life and revealed to Batman that I had granted myself access to his utility belt. Damian told me that Batman had contacted Jason aka Red Hood to bring me in so I needed to get somewhere safe stat.

I pick up speed, feeling the wind rush behind me. There was no way I was getting caught by a walking corpse of all people, not after everything I've been through. If Derek was still here he'd say something about, well that doesn't really matter anymore. He was gone and I'm on my own.

There was a blur up ahead causing me to skid to a stop in the worst neighborhood in Gotham. Shit. He must've found me. Thinking quickly, I jump through a busted up window, hiding in an abandoned building as I wait for him to move on. I sink down as far as I can to keep cover, waiting impatiently.

Gunshots rang out somewhere outside. As much as I know I should stay put, I couldn't. I peek my head over the ledge to see a certain vigilante staring right at me.

"Come quietly and I won't have to hurt you." He growls out. I look up at him, my gaze centred on the creepy red helmet he wore. It reminded me of something terrible. I could smell the blood which made it all the worse.

I scramble backwards, an action that would've been seen as weak in my parents eyes, but they weren't here anymore to reprimand me and neither was he. The only thing that matters was getting away and accessing the Batcave another day.

"Leave me alone." I mutter. I scramble to my feet and force myself to run again. My muscles still hurt from running away from Batman and fighting off the thugs from earlier, but I couldn't let Red Hood get me.

Something wraps around my ankles and I fall down to the ground once again. He looks smug as he crouches over me.

"I'll have you know, kid. This is me going easy."

"Congratulations, you caught a kid."

"Batman would like a word with you."

"Why does Batman even care about me?" I knew better than to keep running when my ankles were tied together. And to be honest, I was very curious about the vigilante.

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