Nothing to Fear

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Haden's POV

I pant heavily while blood drips down my forehead, obscuring my vision slightly as it gets in eyes. This was not how I planned this mission going. It was supposed to be easy, so how the fuck did things go so horribly wrong?

"Time to face your fears, little girl!" His eerie voice echoes in the barn. Hard pass. I wasn't letting some guy that hung people up like pigs beat me. Stupid name or not, he was human which meant he could bleed. And if he could bleed, I could take him out.

All I need was a distraction and I could finish him, but I can't do that when I'm spending most of my energy trying not to bleed out and keeping my breathing under control. Okay, what would Scorch do? He was always the idea guy, I was always more of the muscle in the operation.

I grit my teeth and manage to throw a flashbomb at the crazed up fruit loop, enveloping the area in thick smoke. Showtime. He looks around frantically as I take my time to creep up behind him.

"Looking for me? I'm flattered but you're not really my type." A voice that is definitely not mine says into the wind. I look through the dissipating smoke to see Red Robin sitting up on the rafters. Are you kidding me? I have not been gone through everything I have today for Red Robin of all people to come in at the last second.

"You're not the child I was looking for, but I can't wait to hear you scream." Scarecrow launches a grenade launcher at the vigilante, still oblivious to me being only a few feet behind him. I watch him flip out of the way, only to be surrounded by thugs. Seriously? We're all of the bats raised by ninjas or something?

"Or I can make you scream." I tell him as I send a powerful right hook at his face. He laughs darkly as he recovers from the blow. Was he crazy or did I just do something stupid?

Whatever. He can be crazy all he wants, but that won't stop me from beating him to a bloody pulp. I rare my fist back and allow myself to hit him over and over again, barely holding back. He wasn't even trying to fight back, and I could care less.

"Renegade! Move!" Red Robin's voice yells. I gaze over at him to see him fully engaged in battle. When I look back, Scarecrow has an oxygen mask held up against my face glowing a reddish color. I fight back, but the damage has clearly been done. My surroundings were beginning to blur and my lungs felt like they were on fire.

"What did you do to me?" I stumble backwards into a crate as I try to reorient myself. It wasn't working well as I was starting to see double. I slump to the ground, failing to find much energy to do much of anything, let alone defend myself.

"Defend yourself!" A voice says in the back of my head, pulling me to a place I would rather not think about. My eyes are barely open, but I can see the place in perfect detail. I see myself, at least my younger self, covered in blood but still refusing to admit defeat to her superior opponent. I try to step in and teach that asshole a lesson, but I'm frozen in place as he advances on my younger, much more vulnerable self.

"You're stronger than most people who inhale my toxin, child." He says, bringing me out of the memory. "It's almost a shame that I'll have to kill you. Almost."

"Get away from her!" A voice calls out. I pick up my head enough to see (I think) Batman and Robin swoop in, not that I needed the help.

A hand pulls me up from the ground but it's unclear who it is. Scorch's face flashes in front of mine before blurring until all I can see are vivid colors. The hand loses touch and I fall hard to the ground, leaving me to my own devices.

"Get up." Scorch's soft voice says, looking down at me with a look of worry. "We haven't gone through all that we have to lose to a guy with a stupid name like that. I know you still have some in you, so either get up or take off the damn mask and hide until it's safe. Your choice."

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