The Batcave

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AN: sorry this update took so long. Things are about to get real and I was working with a few different versions of how this chapter was going to go

Also please leave comments so I can get a little more feedback. Thanks and enjoy!

Bruce's POV

"Bruce! We need help!" I hear the panicked sound of Dick's voice. I jump out of my chair and rush to the Nightcycle where he is holding the limp form of Renegade in his arms. Lois was right, she looked fairly young, perhaps too young to be in this line of work. Also, there was not an inch of her that was not covered in blood. The sight of her put me immediately in panic mode.

"What happened?" I gently grab her before rushing her to the med bay where Alfred is patiently waiting, prepped for whatever we would have to do. As I lay her down, I notice there was something in her bloodstream that didn't look right. It appeared to be a purplish color, but I was unsure what that could mean.

"She was attacked by the Scarecrow, she breathed in his toxin and then tried to kill us."

"If she was trying to kill you, you'd be dead." Damian mutters. I would have to ask later why he was so sure of that. As for now, we needed to do something before we have a dead child on our hands.

"Dick, I need you to get dry towels. Tim, get wet ones. We can't tell what's wrong until we get some of this blood off of her." I order. They rush to get the necessary supplies while Damian stands stoically, looking at the girl. I follow his gaze to where a jagged piece of metal is sticking out of her side. His hand twitches to remove it, but Alfred smacks it away before he can even make contact.

"Master Damian, unless you have an extensive background in first aid, I must insist that you refrain from doing such actions." Alfred scolds. Damian scoffs, moving to sulk in the chair of the Batcomputer, but his gaze never leaves the girl.

Tim and Dick shortly approach me with the towels. I waste no time, grabbing the ones from Tim and washing the blood away from her face, uniform, and exposed skin. Once the blood is cleared, Alfred and I look over the young vigilante, trying to figure out what needed medical attention.

The strange thing is, for the amount of blood that she was covered in, I couldn't find a scratch on her.


"Master Bruce, you may want to look at this." I move to behind her neck where her skin is slowly stitching together a jagged cut. Was that an unintended effect of this new fear toxin, or did the girl have some sort of regenerative ability?

"That's not natural." Dick's voice mutters.

"So now that we know she has unnatural abilities, are we gonna find out who she really is?" Tim asks, poking into her poor excuse of a utility belt.

"No." Damian snarls. He was still sitting stoically by the Batcomputer, but the way he kept clenching and unclenching his fist showed that Tim had struck a nerve in him. "You're the reason she breathed in his toxins and ended up here. You've done enough, peasant."

"You're the one who stabbed her with a batarang! If it's anyone's fault she's here, it's yours." Damian grits his teeth, but makes no movement. As Tim draws closer to girl's mask, I see the slightest hint of a smile.

I watch in curiosity as Tim's fingers make contact with her mask. What I wasn't counting on was for him to get electrocuted the moment contact was made and the way she sprung up suddenly, punching Tim square in the face.

She gasps, looking wildly around the room, her eyes stopping when she notices Damian at the  Batcomputer. Their gaze holds for a long pause, almost like they are having a silent conversation with each other.

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