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Dick's POV

I follow an unsuspecting Renegade through the streets of Gotham, doing my best to blend into the shadows of the night.

"Nightwing to Batcave. I'm in pursuit of subject R, priority Alpha." I say into my comms as I continue to follow the girl closer to Crime Alley. I pant a little as I struggle to keep up with the mysterious vigilante.

"Copy. What's your location?" Bruce asks as she nosedives off a building, stopping just before she hits the ground and breaking into a run. I follow her with a slight distance between us as she runs into an abandoned building, grabs a backpack, and then runs out the back. What was she up to?

"Crime Alley. North of 13th."

"What are you waiting for? Get her out of there!" I hear Tim yell.

"You're wasting your time, Grayson. You're not going to catch her." Damian tells me.

"We'll see about that." I reply.

"Coming in for backup. Keep pushing her south and I'll cut her off." Jason tells me. I roll my eyes, but decide to implement his plan. After all, sometimes the simplest of plans are the most effective.


I push myself to run faster, getting closer to the girl with each step. I see Red Hood up ahead on the ledge of a building, ready for her to get into position. She turns her head to look back at me, giving me an angry glare and flipping me off. When she turns her head back, I slow down a little, careful not to be too close to her in order for the plan to be executed.

Jason swings down on a grapple line, knocking her hard into a decrepit building. A loud cracking sound echoes in the street. She looks at the two of us with a look of shock before it quickly turns to one of pure rage.

"Do you jackasses really have nothing better to do than this?!" She screeches, pushing herself to her feet. I notice something sticking out of her shirt, but am too far away to get a good enough look. "I so don't have time for this shit right now. Mind taking a number and I'll call you when I'm ready? How does the first of never work for you?"

"Batman's been looking for you." Jason says with a shrug. "This is the easy way, kid. If Bats has to drag his ass out here to get yours back to the cave, it's not gonna be pretty."

"Yeah, I'm good. So why don't you be a good little messenger and tell big old Bats that if he doesn't fuck off I'll shove a batarang so far up his ass...well I'll leave the rest up to imagination."

"I'm not asking. Whether you like it or not, you're coming with us."

"Listen to me, Princess. I'm not going anywhere with you." I walk closer to the two of them, ready to both fight and grab Renegade. That's when I see a piece of bone sticking out of her. I clutch my stomach, doing my best not to vomit. "Oh, grow a spine and keep your lunch down. If you puke on me, I will scorch you." She pushes the bone back in, making a face until a weird clicking noise can be heard.

"Did you just...?" I ask tentatively, still a little lost at what just happened.

"I can heal, Dickwad. Or did your pea sized brain forget that bit of information from all the way back to yesterday?"

"Can you answer any of our questions without insulting us?"

"Depends if you can ask them without your usual level of stupidity." Jason snickers. I sigh, putting a hand to my head. This girl was really getting under my nerves, Bruce is lucky he doesn't have to deal with her right now. "You gonna say something or you just gonna keep staring with that dumb look?"

"Alright. I've had enough of this bullshit." Jason grumbles. He storms over to her, grabs the girl by the front of her shirt, and pins her to the side of a building. She squirms a little, but his hold remains firm. "Stop squirming, runt. You might've beaten us before, but this time you have no moves, no chance of escape."

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