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Damian's POV

I waited patiently in my room for Todd, Grayson, and father. I may have abandoned the rooftop as soon as Haden and Grayson first started fighting, but my involvement would not be forgotten. Had I known they were that close I would've knocked her out with a well placed batarang and dragged her back to the manor myself. Would've made things far less complicated.

I continue to sharpen one of my favorite daggers while I wait. This was taking longer than anticipated.

"We need to talk." My father's voice says suddenly. I quickly turn my head and thrust my dagger at him. Father manages to catch it rather quickly. His reaction time was improving. "I thought I told you no weapons out of the cave."

"I am not like the others, father. I refuse to fall vulnerable to an unanticipated attack." I tell him plainly.

"Alfred told me you left with a friend. Who is she and does she have any connection to the girl Jason and Dick fought?"

"A friend." He glares at me but I was quite used to that particular look. "She went home when I was approached by the peasant that bore no obvious threat. I amused her until Grayson and Todd decided to step in. Much unnecessary if I might add."

"How do you know her?"


"Not to me."

"I am not obligated to tell you everything about my life, father."

"Then tell me why she came to Gotham."

"She didn't say." Father rubbed his head like he does when I seem to be aggravating him.

"Where is she now? I'd like to speak with her." I want to object but I could not think of a reason that would not expose us both.

Haden's POV

Everything hurt. I don't know how Damian does this without powers. Of course the first time I attempted at a fair fight I got ambushed by two vigilantes while I was fighting a former assassin.

I fall back on the dingy mattress I was sleeping on in some abandoned warehouse. It wasn't much but it would have to do until I can figure out a more permanent solution. There was lots to do since coming to Gotham, but right now I needed to focus on healing. I close my eyes, trying to drift off to sleep when my phone rings. Groaning, I pick it up. There was only one person who would call me at this hour.

"This better be good." I tell Damian.

"Father requests your presence at the manor tomorrow morning. Alfred has been instructed to prepare a feast. Grayson, Todd, and Drake will also be in attendance to see for themselves that you are indeed real. Apparently it's a far stretch to believe that I can make a friend. Though I do believe the correct term in our case is ally." Damian responds like this was no big deal. Who were all of these people and why would he agree to any of this? I don't even have shoes right now, so how was I supposed to come back to his house without looking like I've been sleeping on a dirty mattress?

"I've got more important things to do. One of them being sleep."

"The request was non optional. I bought us as much time as possible, but I'll admit I was hardly successful."

"So, what's the plan? They're gonna ask how we know each other and I don't exactly feel like telling anyone how I met you wearing Kevlar and spandex."

"Father has been far too invested into this matter. As such it would be wise to prepare an answer."

"You don't lie much, do you?"

"Unfortunately, mother never taught me to falsify truths. Such behavior was unbecoming for the future heir. Lies of omission were all I was trained in."

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