Leap of Faith

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Damian's POV

It was strange how well I worked with someone who lacked intelligence, yet we moved in nearly perfect sync. She claimed to be smart in other ways, but I was severely doubting that given how she always seemed to rush into battle with no plan. Not to mention her kicking one of Penguin's goons before tying him up to see if he was conscious. Right now she was going through their pockets while I finished tying up the last goon. I really didn't know what to make of that.

"What are you doing?" I ask her as I watch her put something in her pocket.

"What does it look like? I'm seeing if they have anything of value." She replies plainly.

"Batman says we can't fight crime by being criminals ourselves."

"Batman needs to get his head out of his ass. It's not like any of these pricks were stand up citizens or anything like that." I send her a sharp glare. She chuckles a little and goes to the next guy. "Think of it as cutting off their supply line."

"You are aware that you're stealing stolen money." She gives me a look that says so what. Sometimes I forget how dim witted she can be. "There could be trackers." She immediately freezes and throws an alarming amount of cash on the ground.

"Next time start with that."

"Next time don't be utterly idiotic."

"Hey, I'm not a total moron." She holds up a folded piece of paper covered in what looks like blood and a powdery blue substance. "One of those imbeciles had intel on some evil plot. Bet we can take him out before Batman even realizes what's happening."

Shit. Batman. Two days in a row skipping patrol to patrol with Renegade. Still didn't know how to explain how Robin and her crossed paths without revealing what I was up to that day. I toss her the duffle bag containing our clothes. It was time to end the outing.

"Get changed." She scoffs but I see her put a sweatshirt on over her poorly constructed uniform.

Unlike her old one, it seemed like she grabbed bits and pieces of things to make this eyesore. She wore armored leggings with missing padding, knee high combat boots that were barely hanging on, a hooded vest over a shredded shirt, a tattered cape, and a utility belt that was moments away from falling apart. I wonder why she even wore it.

I watch her silently as she tossed her cape, vest, and mask at me. Of course I caught them.

"Happy?" She groaned a little. I look down to see a small dagger lodged in her leg. Without notice, I pull it out and watch as her skin knits together as if she had never been injured. "You could give warning, you know."

"I know." I grab her by the hood and grapple us to another rooftop. The last thing we needed was for them to wake up and see her face.

"Aren't you curious what it says?" I try to grab the paper, but she stuffs it in her boot before I can. "You really think I'm gonna let you have it? Last thing I'll do is let Batman and Robin take this mission from me."

"You don't know what criminals in Gotham are capable of."

"They don't what I'm capable of." I could of sworn that her eyes flashed a metallic golden color, but they are their normal color when I look again.

"And we need to keep it that way."

Haden's POV

Damian was sometimes too easy. Then again he and I were more alike than we like to admit. All I had to do was flash some mystery note in front of his face and he was onboard to solve a little mystery with yours truly.

"We need to find what sort of substance that is. It will lead us to wherever they're hiding." Damian tells me. In other words, he wanted me to give him the note so he and Batman can play detective. As much as I suck at this stuff, I was not getting benched on a mission I found myself.

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