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Dick's POV

I walk in the manor and can instantly feel something was off. I could hear Jason's heavy metal music and the faint clicking of keys as Tim worked on some secret project on the piece of crap laptop he insisted on using. Personally I think it was because Bruce didn't know he still had it, but Jason had other ideas. The one thing that was missing, besides Alfred's cookies, was the sound of Damian decapitating the training dummies. Bruce and Alfred had yet to get the demon to part with his sword, much less tone down his blood lust.

"Yo Damian!" I call out in hopes he was just hiding and didn't try to go on patrol alone. Again. There was no response. I walk around the property. First checking the grounds in case he was engaging in some...I guess you could call it landscaping. Then I checked the gym, library, watch tower, Bat Cave, media room, and finally the garage. So far absolutely nothing, but I could rule out that he went on patrol as both his uniform and backup were where they should be.

I was about to leave when I noticed something odd in the garage. There were two cars missing. Bruce's sports car for when he needed to play up being a billionaire playboy and a Lucius original. It was supposed to be the new Batmobile until Jason got a hold of it, saying that we needed a car with state of the art technology that we could use for standard use. Personally I believe he wants to trick it out for the team that he was definitely not a part of. Alfred refused to touch the car, so either someone somehow stole just one car from Bruce or the demon took a play from my book. I knew I should have never told him about the joyride/escape attempt when I was his age.

"Oh dear." I hear Alfred's voice from behind me. I quickly turn around to see the only person left in this house with any sanity. "When Master Damian said he was going out with his friend, I did not imagine this particular circumstance." I knitted my brows in confusion. Since when did Damian have friends?

"Who took my car?!" I hear the angry voice of Jason. Okay one, it was Bruce's. And two, Jason didn't even have a learners permit. Alfred seemed to be thinking the same thing. "Not that I have ever driven it or anything. it a tune up." There was a small laugh from behind. Without glancing I know Tim is smirking at Jason. Why is that wherever I go, everyone else seems to follow?

"It's on its way back. So is Bruce." Tim tells Jason, looking intently at his tablet. "You might wanna hide the you know what before then."

"Alright. How about I shove it so far up your ass that when you.."

"My word!" Alfred exclaims. "Master Jason, Master Tim. You certainly did not learn this kind of behaviour from me."

"Uh, Alfred?" I butt in. "You we're saying something about Damian having a friend? Did you see them or do they live in Canada?" Jason snickered at my remark while Tim looks confused.

"I can assure you she is quite real. She came to the manor a few hours ago in search of Master Damian."

"What girl and would anyone like to explain to me why I raced against my own car home?" Comes Bruce's stern voice. With all the arguing I guess we missed both cars returning to their rightful places. He continues to glare at us, but none of us exactly had any answers yet. "Cave. Now."

Bruce's POV

I stare at the Batcomputer with utter annoyance. Alfred said the girls name was Haden Daniels. but according to this, she has never existed either dead or alive. Which gives us the obvious intel that she was lying through her teeth. But why lie about her name, unless she was hiding something.

"What's the big deal?" Tim asks, searching for results on his own. "She's just a girl, what's the worst she can do?"

"Please let me tell him." Jason pleads.

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