Locked In

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AN: Thank you so much to SHIVENKUA1 who favorited all of my chapters! I really appreciate the feedback from each and everyone of you!

Haden's POV

The trek back to see Damian was not easy to say the least. But really what could I expect when I still had that thing wrapped around my legs, and it was not easy to use a grapple gun with restricted movement. And to make things even worse, I couldn't even really fly like this. I swear, next time I see Red Hood, I'm going to make him regret meeting me. Well Haden at least. Renegade would have to get her own revenge.

I shoot the gun at a random window, seriously hoping that this was the right one. I peer in, unfortunately seeing circus boy walking around on his hands for apparently no reason. I see why Damian pretends to not know him, let alone stand anywhere close to him. Moving on, I shoot the cable at a balcony. As I'm debating whether or not to climb over the edge, I hear voices approaching from below where I was dangling. With some (a lot) struggling, I'm able to pull myself over the ledge.

Okay, I'm in a house full of vigilantes and I can't walk. This is going to be fun. I look around the room, which is thankfully vacant, to see numerous posters of obscure rock bands. I recognized some of them from when Derek was in his moods and claimed their music understood him in a way I could not. There was also the faint smell of gunpowder residue that lingered. I guess that means I was in Jason's room. Just great.

I hop on my feet, doing my best not to fall. It wasn't exactly fast, but at least I didn't fall on my face like I've done enough times tonight. When I finally make it to the doorway, I hear screaming and thrashing, like the sounds of two people fighting. Are you kidding me?! I look around frantically, trying to see if the was any escape. I work fast and grapple to the only thing in range, the chandelier, just as Damian and Jason come barreling down the hall. And from the look of it, Damian was winning.

"Give it a rest, demon!" Jason grits out, shoving Damian harshly against the wall.

"What did you do to her?!" Damian yells back, pulling out a pocket knife from seemingly nowhere and holding it against the older vigilante's throat.

"I told you. I couldn't find your dumb little friend."

"Don't patronize me, Todd. You were gone for two hours. We both know something happened."

"Yeah. I stopped a drug deal. They had heavy firepower. Took awhile to take them all out."

"If that is indeed the case, care to explain on how your uniform appears to be in pristine condition as opposed to its usual state of disarray whenever you return from other such missions." Jason throws Damian violently against the opposing wall, causing my hiding spot to shake. The movement forces me on my side, allowing a few electrodiscs to fall out of my pocket. Fuck.

Damian's POV

As I reach for another knife to impale the waste of space that is Jason Todd, I hear a small noise that peaks my interest. My eyes look to the ground where Todd is bending over a very familiar object.

"If you're going to sneak tech out of the cave, at least take something a little more impressive. This is hardly worth the lecture."

"Next time I'll take something shiny, that is more your taste after all." I go to grab it, but he holds the object high over his head. I cross my arms in irritation. Despite the value of the object, I would not humiliate myself in order to retrieve it.

"I know twenty three different ways to turn you into a vegetable and I will use all of them if you do not stop this foolishness."

"What even is this thing?" Todd pulls it down to examine. I run into him headfirst, causing the object to create a huge electric surge when it is thrust from his grip. I will admit, I forgot how easy it was to activate these devices. The one flaw in an otherwise masterful design.

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