Treading Water

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Haden's POV

I freeze when I spot the teenager with the white hair playing some knife game with Damian. He reeked of death and I didn't know what to make of it. I had never met someone who was like me, someone that had seen the other side. And as much as I wanted to ask, I could just come out and ask what his death was like and what lasting effects it had on him.

"So this is the girl?" I hear the boy touched by death ask, bringing me out of my head.

"Yeah, I am." I reply. Damian looked at me with a glare that said he had some questions for me. I guess it's a good thing that we had an audience.

"So, how much did the demon pay you to keep up this charade?"

"Uh, nothing." I know Damian didn't exactly have a normal childhood, but I didn't realise that I probably was the first person that he's brought home that wasn't from the League of Assassins.

"Lay off her, Jay." I swivel my head to see another teenager that also bore a shocking resemblance to Damian. I thought he said that he was the blood son and the others were adopted. "Let the girl breathe before you interrogate her."

"Chill, Dick." The walking corpse tells him. "I was just having a bit of fun. It's not everyday that the demon brings over a friend."

"Would you all stop this foolishness." Damian demands. "You wanted proof, and here she is. I see no need for her to converse with you imbeciles any further."

"So he's like this with everyone?" I ask Tim while Damian took the time to lecture Dick and Jason.

"Oh, this is nothing. Just wait until there's food involved." Tim replies.

"I'm pretty sure I have a scar from when I stole a couple of his fries. Dude shows no mercy."

"You don't know the half of it."

Bruce's POV

I watch from a distance as Haden interacts with the boys. Dick was right. She did look normal, a little too normal if you ask me. I couldn't see much that looked out of the normal. There was one thing; she kept looking over at Jason like she was trying to figure him out. Or maybe even looking for a weakness.

"Master Bruce, I do believe you shall introduce yourself to the girl." I hear Alfred's voice tell me.

"In time, Alfred." I respond.

"It would be quite rude to keep her waiting for too long. After all, she did come here on such short notice."

"That's what worries me."

"If I may, remember that she is the first person Master Damian has ever spoken about in high terms."

"He also said Ra's died a hero." As happy as I was that Damian was spending time with someone his age without wearing a cape, I couldn't help but be suspicious of the girl. Something felt off about the girl and I didn't like it.

"I would hardly compare the two." I look back over at the girl who was laughing with Tim about something. I also manage to catch Dick's eye who looks at me with a disappointed look.

"Yo Bruce! Look who's here!" Dick screams. I sigh, he was not letting me monitor the girl from afar like I wanted to. I walk downstairs where the boys plus Haden are waiting. I look her in the eyes for the first time to see bright, purple orbs.

"Hello, Haden. We appreciate you coming here on such short notice." I tell her.

"Damian didn't give me much of a choice." I raise an eyebrow at my youngest who just shrugs.

"He can be quite compelling." She cocks her head slightly to the side. Interesting. Given Damian's advanced intellect I would have figured the girl to be of similar standing. "It means convincing."

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