Chapter 9: First sight

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Chapter 9: First sight
By Aziraphale

  I was incredibly bored in Heaven. I didn't have much to do, except for the enormous ton of work Gabriel put on me. Of course, I didn't have much time left, but when I did have time, it was the most boring time ever. All this time, I used it to think about Crowley. It made the wait acceptable, I guess.
  The reason why I talked to him in Eden… It’s something so little, so insignificant, and yet if it had not been there, none of this would have happened.
  I was standing there, upon the wall that separated the Garden from the rest of the Earth, looking at Adam and Eve, who had just left. I was so worried about what would possibly happen to them, so deep in my thoughts, that I didn't hear the creature crawling next to me. It was only when the snake started to change that I noticed it was here. I almost jumped in fear. The creature turned into a man, with long curly red hair and dark clothes, looking at the two humans. His wings were as dark as his clothes… A demon.
  I was ready to fight him with my bare hands, but something… Something in his eyes stopped me. He didn't seem to want to harm me. I calmed down a little, and he started to talk to me. I knew he was probably the one who tempted Eve into eating the apple, but still, I listened.
  He looked into my eyes and smiled. And I knew what made me trust him. His words were saying things that were silly, but his eyes were telling me a whole story. He told me more in a look than in a year of talking. I guess that's the reason, the sincerity in his eyes. He was nothing of the vicious creature I was told demons were. He was curious, interested, living… So much more than any angel I knew. He didn't have evil in him, or at least bad intentions towards me.
  Every demon has been an angel once. And I could feel that in him.
  Those eyes, so strange and beautiful at the same time, were also comforting and disturbing. I couldn't think straight and kept answering things that didn't fit in the conversation, which seemed to amuse him deeply. His eyes were laughing, but not with any naught. All of him was nice and kind. He was… captivating.
  Gabriel came in like a storm.
  ‘Aziraphale! I was looking for you. I’ve got work for you.’
  ‘Well, here I am,’ I smiled – politeness only.
  ‘Come with me.’
  I followed him through Heaven and we arrived in front of Metatron. I didn't know who he was at the time.
  ‘Ah, sorry I was long,’ said the Supreme Archangel. ‘I brought Aziraphale with me, don't mind him.’
  Metatron nodded.


  When I imagined Crowley as an angel, as he was before the fall, there was always this memory, this little scene that came to my mind. I didn't know if it was really him, but it was so persistant.
  The universe was at its beginning. Actually, it hadn't even begun. The archangels were creating stars, galaxies, meanwhile we, simple angels, were working on the Earth, more precisely the Garden of Eden. That's when I met him.
  I was traveling through space for some reason, and I heard someone call. I went to find the source of the sound, which appeared to be an angel. An archangel, I believe, creating the universe, for what other reason would an angel stand in the middle of nowhere? But I didn't question him. I never questioned anything.
  ‘Hello, I’m Aziraphale!’ I smiled.
  I was nervous. I wasn’t meant to be there, but somehow, I felt like I had to stay.
  ‘Yeah, hi,’ he said. ‘Can you hold that for me?’
  I did so, I didn't know what was the thing he had just handed me. But when he created those stars out of it, it didn't matter anymore. All was just… Fantastic.
  Before what humans call “Big Bang”, everything was dark. No light, no stars, no planets at all. But when that happened… Light, brightness, it was only… Beautiful.
  I never knew the name of the angel I met there. I never met him again, though. Maybe he fell, or maybe he just retired in some place far away… Like the archangel Rafael, he has never been seen again.
  I’ve heard those angels, those who have been missing, went to the farthest stars, led by Rafael… but why would Rafael leave? I mean, he loved humanity, I heard he wanted the best for the humans, so why didn’t he stay to help them? This story never really satisfied me. It didn't seem logical. But the archangel has been missing for so long… Maybe he really went away, after all. I imagined him kind and nice, like the angel I met in the stars… Rafael is the angel I’ve most admired. I wished I could be like him, and I wished I could have met him…
  God, I missed Crowley so much…


Well, 2024 seems to be a year in which I'm finally getting inspired! I'll certainly run out of ideas, so if someone could give me some... I wouldn't say no!

Hope this fanfiction is enough to help you while waiting for season 3 😉

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