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Music blowing my eardrum, glass bottle clinking against one another, people chatting and whistling, the perfect saturday evening. It was still early but I could tell it would be a busy one and I was happy about it. I was behind the bar with my two other barmaid serving everyone. There was a lot of regular but I notice a lot of new faces, I guess spring break drag a lot of people this side of the town. My guess was, all the other club were full or to expensive for the younger that were visiting, some also require a specific dress code at least most of the time, here as long that your not naked and of age you're welcome! I wouldn't say my bar was the most popular but it had his charm, I guess it would be a mixt between a normal bar and a club. I kept the aesthetic rustic with the wood furniture even down to the huge bar made out of solid red wood but we still had a big dance floor with a stage for the dj or the band.
Hey Zee? I turn seeing one of the doorman coming toward me.
Sup Matt? 
We have a huge line outside.. That's great! I appreciate that he came to let me know but he seem to want to tell me more so I raise a brow so he keep going. ..Well.. one of our big regular is asking to skip it.. I do get a lot of regular but there is only one I can think of that would be cocky enough to ask for this kind of favor.
Whiskey? Matt gave me a nod and it made me smile. Tell him he will survive to wait in line.. we are far from being full at the moment he wont have to wait that long. He chuckle before heading back. Hey Mary, run to the back and ask the boys to bring us more beer box and to make sure the barrel are full, we're about to have a busy night. She smile giving me a wink before she head out. I turn giving a good look at the place, more people were coming in, the dance floor was already getting full. I smile to myself, I work hard for this place and night like this made me proud. I use to work here for my uncle, it was just a lay back bar where worker came after work and watch the game on tv. He always told me that he would sell it to me once he get to old, so early on I save up and once I turn 25 I did. It was a slow start, even if I've been serving there for 7 years we lost some costumers and I had trouble bringing new in, until I decide to revamp it. I manage to hired a dream team and 3 years later here we were, a busy club that was affordable and not trying to be fancy. The bar was open from noon to 3 am, having me working almost everyday but it was worth it for all of my regular. In the afternoon I would get my older costumers coming over with friend still watching the sport on tv and argue over which team is the best. During the evening it didn't really feel like I was working, most of the same people coming to party were just like friends now and were making my life interesting. 
Hey Boss.. Speaking of regular.. I turn to see him leaning against the counter trying to look annoyed, raising an eyebrow at me. I smirk, finish the cocktail I was making, giving it to the waitress, before walking toward him.
Evening Whiskey.. I greet him trying to hold my composure under his stare. On the rock or highball tonight? That question made him lose his fake mister serious attitude to replace it by his "stupid" perfect smile that would make anyone melt on the spot..

 On the rock or highball tonight? That question made him lose his fake mister serious attitude to replace it by his "stupid" perfect smile that would make anyone melt on the spot

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