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***Trigger Warning *** 
*****This chapter contain physical abuse *****

As soon as I lock the door I rested my forehead on it. This was a bad idea and I knew it but I still answer his knock. I don't know why I thought he already knew..

Zee open up..
Go away! Please leave..
Let me help you! Tell me who did this to you. I can't..
It's none of your business!
Zee.. I.. I'm sorry. I've been an ass. I care for you I just didn't realize it.. I turn having my back against the wood, slowly letting myself slide down.. I said bullshit because my ego refuse to accept that I could have feeling for someone but I was just lying to myself. I don't know what this is but all I know is that you're not like any girl I met.. you're different, you make me different. Tears came out on their own, I couldn't control it anymore. That night at the club.. I didn't sleep with that girl, I couldn't. All I though of the past few days is you and how I can fixed my mistake.. I can't stand seeing you sad, it hurt. Why, I don't know but it just made me want to.. He already won why was he confessing all this to me now.. He did look shock by my state, maybe he's not to blame. No.. He has too. How did I end up in this mess? It can't be a coincidence!


The day after the slept over is when it all start. Just had open the bar at noon feeling great. Maybe I didn't see him the night before but he still message me. He didn't lie and still treat me like before, even more. Still focus on my phone sending Whiskey a small good morning text is when someone pass the door. Man well dress in a suit, never saw him before.
Good afternoon Sir, what can I serve you? He bow.
I'm not here for a drink miss. Is the owner present by any chance, miss Park? I would like to see her. God what happen? Did someone complaint?
I'm miss Park. Is there a problem? He offer a handshake, I accept it.
Hi miss, I'm Cha Hyun and I'm here to present you an offer.
An offer?
My boss has found interest into you establishment and would like to buy it. I smile, happy I was not getting sue.
I'm sorry but the Slipper isn't for sale.
We offer you 500k dollars. To be honest I have no idea how much the bar would be worth now but still was not interested into selling it.
Even if the amount is impressive, I will still have to decline. This place has been in my family for a while and is more then just a bar for me. I thought this would be enough to make him understand but he continue.
With all due respect miss, my Boss don't take "no" very well and is willing to negotiate. How does 650k sound like for you? It's a lot of money and it could let me buy a small house outside of town, more quiet place but I still couldn't see myself leave the Slipper into the hand of a stranger.
I appreciate the offer but again I will have to decline. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Your can let your superior know that I will not be selling. He pass me his card.
If you change your mind or would like to talk different price please contact me. He bow. Have a great afternoon miss Park. I took the card off his hand. He was about to pass the door, pause and look back at me. We'll be in touch.. And I thought he understood. I guess I will have to deal with him again. Why can't they understand a simple "no".


A small knock behind me drag me out of my thought.
Sis.. open up it's me. Jimin.. He's gone. Fighting against the pain I manage to get back on my feet to open and let him in. He close it back behind him.
Lock it. He look at me with pity. I hate it. Don't look at me like that.. He still locked it before he hang his coat to the hook by the entrance.
I'm here sis, I wont let anything happen to you ok. Tears came back. He didn't waste anytime once he notice, he move to me and hug me. I cried on his chest while he tried to calm me down petting my hairs.

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