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I decide to not be a total ass and do the dishes. I hate to say it but shorty know how to cook. Zee wanted to help but I told her I had it, I figure they would want some time alone even if they would have plenty soon. Discussion went better then I thought it would, I made sure he kept her hidden, he will have to act like she wasn't there and was living alone. I was not a fan that she stay here, I actually offer to get Jimin to the Lake house but she said it would be better in Busan, since it would be more suspicious if he goes missing too. He didn't like when I told him he can't tell his cop friend, he argue with me a lot but Zee came in between and made him promise.
You sure you don't want help Whiskey? I chuckle.

You sure you don't want help Whiskey? I chuckle

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I just finish. Is shorty scared for his dishes? She slap my back.
Stop calling him that. I shrugged.
I'm sure he call me worst. She jump to sit on the counter. Her eyes squint pulling her tongue at me. I'm just teasing anyway.
You're barely taller then him! I move between her leg, caging her with my hand next to her thigh.
Still am and more handsome. Her hand snake behind my neck, orb full of mischief.
I would like to remind you, that you got jealous of him.
Pff, I wasn't jealous! She smirk, playing with the hem of my hair.
Sure.. "Who is he? Because you're mine!" She tried making her voice low, a lame attempt at mimicking me. Her eyebrow raise, waiting for my reply. Remembering that day, it wasn't one of my best moment. I did get annoyed that some other man was touching her.
I didn't know he was your brother at the time.. She giggle.
You were still trying to claim me. I stare into her eyes.
I was stupid that day, lead by my lust but I really did mean it.. I wanted you to be mine. She grin pulling me in, I smile into the kiss. Her legs squeeze on my waist, crossing over my ass. I hold her back, pressing my chest against hers, like it was possible to be closer. Her warm breath mixed with mine, tongue teasing one another, it was a normal kiss yet different, almost if we were having a silent conversation.
Really!? On MY counter? We separate, I let out a low groan having her laugh.
Were not fucking Jimin! Relax. I move to the side so she could jump down. Blondy was standing at the entrance, lean against the doorframe, arm cross.
Still, MY kitchen and I don't want to see that! He was talking to his sister but staring at me, like I was to blame. I hold his stare, raising a brow. He finally avert his gaze to Zee. Anyway I set the guess room for you, did you had any luggage?
Yeah.. it's in the car. I push myself off the counter.
I'll go get it. He move to the side to let me pass. 

I reach the car that I parked a street down in case we were follow, even if it was a rental car I didn't want to take chance. I got her two bag out, then heard footstep behind.
Hey. What does he want now? Need help? No way he came out to help.
I'm good. I close the trunk, bend down to get her things.
Look.. sorry I accuse you. I raise a brow. She told me what you did.. that you.. I wanted to.. well thank..
Spit it out dude, it's cold. 
Really? Are you always like this? How can she like an ass like you? I smirk.
I'm irresistible. He roll his eyes making me laugh. It's fine. Don't thank me. I never intend for her to get hurt. He grab one of the luggage from my hand.
Still.. she all the family I have left. So thank you for saving her.
Now it's your job to keep her safe until I come back. He stare at me, squinting his eyes.
You really do like her..
And what if I do? He groan, making a disgust face.
Mean I'll have to deal with your ass more. He start walking off. She could have chosen better.. Don't want this jackass as a brother in law! 
I can still hear ya, you know?
I'm aware. I notice his cheek go up, he was smirking.
Still gonna call you shorty! I manage to hear an annoyed sigh, making me grin at my small victory. We walk back in to get greet by the judging stare of Zee.

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