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I got pull out of my slumber by a ray of light on my face. I was confused because I rarely open the blind in my bedroom and I couldn't remember opening them for any reason. I open my eyes, looking around still half asleep but a small panic settle in when I didn't recognize the place. I tried siting but there was a weight on my chest. Looking down I relax, flash of the previous night came back having me smirk to myself. Head rested, she was hugging my waist with her arm. I slept here? I was still lost since I was never able to fall asleep except if I was in my bed and also alone. I never bring any girl to my place either so every date I have, once we were done, I waited for her to pass out before sneaking out. What time is it? Looking for my phone I didn't see anywhere, it was probably still in my pants but I notice an alarm clock, 1:10 pm. Shit.
Good morning.. Her sleepy voice hit my ears catching my attention. She was still laying on my chest but was now facing me. She had her cute smile on and I couldn't resist to return it.
Good afternoon. I correct.
Is it that late? She push herself up to look at the clock, gifting me a great view of her bare chest cover with my marked all over. She turn back catching me staring, sending me a smug look. She chuckle. You hungry? I didn't notice I was until she said anything but I had to tease her.
Are you offering a round 3? I was expecting her to get shy, even though I notice a bit of pink on her cheek, she crawl to my face.
Hmm.. that is really tempting.. She ghost my lips, I could feel her warm breath mixing with mine, her finger start sliding along my chest, swing between each my abs going down. I found myself holding my breath in anticipation but she stop. .. but not before I put some food in my belly! She gave me a small peck, wink and pull herself off the bed. This little tease.. I kept my eyes on her while she look for some cloth to put on, trying to make a picture of her body in my mind like I would never see it again. I could finally take in the detail on the tattoo painted on her back, a beautiful cherry blossom branch going from her right shoulder and stopping just before her left thigh. It was well made, delicate, fitting her perfectly. She cover it with a long t-shirt and then grab a hair tie pulling her hair up in a messy bun. If you want to take a shower feel free. I think you found the towel already yesterday. She wink before passing the door. My head fell back on the pillow. I still didn't understood what was happening, this was so off from my normal morning routine. Usually I would get up, make a small protein shake before working out, I would then hit the shower, dress up and head out to get breakfast. Now I was laying in someone else bed, fully rested even after a really "exhausting" night, woke up next to someone else and not be annoyed by it but excited. I felt content.. yet weird.I shook my head trying to wake myself up, getting up from the bed I look around for my cloth, finding my jeans I fetch for my phone. I had a lot of notification and a few missed calls, I did had a few online meeting today I'll have to reschedule. I text my assistant to deal with it and that I would head to the office shortly, once send I head to her bathroom to take a refreshing shower. 


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