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I went to change home before getting to the bar around 4pm. When I got there Mary was leaning against the bar having a chat with a guy. Getting closer I notice it was her boyfriend, Hobi. He wave at me having Mary notice my presence.
Hey girl! So tell me everything! I let out a big sigh making her frown. That bad?
What happen? Her boyfriend question.
She had a date..
Do we need to beat him up? He ask playfully having me chuckle.
It's fine.. at least I know now. Mary gave me a concern look.
I'm sorry Zee.. You want me to stay? I shook my head.
No, I'm telling you I'm ok. You were already nice enough to came in on your day off. She put her hand on my shoulder.
You sure? I don't mind..
Mary I'm good. I gave her a smile to reassure her. Anyway the girls will be here in 3 hours I can go home after. You go take care of your man here. She smirk before looking at him hungrily.
Oh I'll take care of him alright. I laugh, the way her mood can switch in a second always amaze me.
We'll see who take care of who darling. He tease her back before getting up from the stool he was sitting on.
Are you challenging me? Standing next to him she slide her finger along his clothed chest.
Alright you two just go already.. my single ass don't need the detail. They both look at me amuse.
See you tomorrow girl.. don't overthink about today. We'll find you someone!
Yeah yeah.. now you lovebird go. I let out before shooing them away.

Three days pass since the date, three days since I've seen him. The slipper has been busy so I'm not sure if he was there and I just didn't see him but I never saw him by the bar. Maybe he was avoiding me, figure out I was making the drama he was trying hard to avoid like he said. I don't blame him for it but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him, him and his flirty comment, his smile, even our small bickering.So far I've been heading home as soon as the night shift got here but tonight I need to distract myself and since I wasn't opening the bar tomorrow I decide to stay and lose myself on the dance floor. I didn't see the time pass showing my moves, small little routine I create myself to the song that played. The mood change in later hour to some sensual beat, having couple rubbing themselves on each other. I decide to enjoy it alone, closing my eyes moving slowly feeling the music. Soon after I felt hand on my waist making me jump. Turning around I saw a man smirking at me, I didn't know him. I move his hand off me trying to send him the message that I didn't want a partner but he didn't understood and tried pulling me back. I manage to avoid his grip getting him frustrated. He was about to step forward but stop and his eyes widen, I didn't took time to understand why to back away from him, hitting someone in the process. Turning to apologize I froze, he was there.

 Turning to apologize I froze, he was there

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Jungkook.. He stood there, in a simple black tank top and jeans, glaring at the man and he didn't look happy. He put his hand on my shoulder and move me softly behind him. Looking back at the stranger, he was nervous, almost scared, this confused me. Did they knew each other? Jungkook move closer blocking most of my view but I notice the other guy leaving and after that for the first time he turn to look at me. I was happy to see him. I mouth a "thank you" and he smile back bowing his head slightly. He offer me his hand, I look down at it before going back to his eyes with a questioning look. He point around us, showing me the couple that were to focus to notice the small interaction that just happen next to them. He was asking permission to dance, I accept. He pull me closer, eyes lock, smiling softly, he put his hand on my hips making me move in sync with him. I felt safe in his arm, comfortable.. to comfortable that it got me confident. My hands had a soul of their own, passing through his hair to stop on his neck. I turn around so my back could be flush with his chest still swaying left and right to the slow beat. I felt his finger gliding on the hem on my pant tickling my tummy. He lower his face closer to the crook of my neck and when I felt his warm breath I got shiver.
Can I? He whisper to my ear. I had no clue what he was asking but almost like I was in a trance I nod. Next thing I felt was his lips on my skin, giving me small kisses along my neck to my expose shoulder making me weak on my legs. Eyes close enjoying the moment I rest my head back on his shoulder giving him more access that he took instantly going back up to my jaw. He stop, wondering why I turn my head to look at him finding his eyes already on me. He was close.. lips almost touching, any movement would make them connect. I don't know how long we stare at each other, both fighting the urge. I failed. I close the small gap, finally feeling how it is to kiss him. It mold perfectly, it was soft and sensual, not how I thought it would be after a year of teasing. Our tongue slowly touching, not rushing the moment. We were still dancing, lost in the music, completely forgetting we were surrounded by a lot of people. My hand on the nape of his neck pull closer to deepen the kiss, asking entry access that he grant right away. He taste amazing, better then what I imagine every time I fantasize about it.

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