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I pull in the driveway, I was exhausted. I was gone for almost a week to get answer and came back with none, only more bad news. Looking at the house I wonder how thing went during my absence, how she was. I got out of my car and took the few bags that I put on the backseat. I stop by the grocery store on my way thinking the stock of food might have lower a bit. Noticing the path to the back entrance was clean up from the snow I decide to head that way since I would be directly in the kitchen. Sliding the door open I caught the attention of Joon that was sitting on one of the stool reading the paper.
You know these can be find online. He smirk.
What can I say I enjoy reading the news the old fashion way. I drop the bag on the island counter smiling.
Alright grand-pa. He chuckle. I start emptying the grocery.
How did it go? I sigh closing the fridge.
I got nothing. Mother vanish away somewhere, I couldn't found her at any of her normal escape. I question a few of the guard at the estate but I didn't get much. Yoongi think he tracked down the one that was in the basement and looking for him at the moment.
I'm surprise you're already back then.
I had too. Mark told me the cops found something, he overheard them talk, saying that whatever they got is enough to have me arrested. Hiding here is the safe option, this house is completely off the track from me so it can be my best chance to not get caught until we find who's actually behind this. Also wanted to get back to her. Not that I didn't trust Joon but he can keep looking for me while I take over her safety. How is she?
Actually she..
Namjoon? We both look at the corridor where her voice came from. Have you seen the book you gave me yesterday? I can't find it.. anywhere.. She stood there staring at me. She probably didn't expect me to be back. The bruise on her face were completely gone except the small cut on her bottom lips. I imagine the other were almost heal but I couldn't see since she was wearing a hoodie, my hoodie. I was happy that she accepted it. Hi.. Soft smile decorated her lips.
Hi.. What happen when I was gone? She didn't ran away like she use to, she look happy and relax.

 What happen when I was gone? She didn't ran away like she use to, she look happy and relax

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Here Zee. You left it in the living room. Joon broke our staring contest. She grab the book off his hand grinning.
Thank! I thought I lost it. Her eyes bounce between the two of us. I'll go start this, sorry for interrupting your conversation. I was dumbfounded. I heard her bedroom door close in a distance before turning toward Joon.
How.. what did you do? He shrugged.
Nothing. My brow raise in suspicion. She did tried to run away. He chuckle.
How is it funny? She could of..
Relax Kook, I was right behind her. She didn't even reach the road. I let her know that she was not a prisoner but where ever she go I would follow, so we came back in and talked while she warm up. I don't know if I would have been this calm if she did tried while I was here, I guess having Joon over was a good idea. I did find out why she was scared of you though.
You did? He nod.
When she was in the cellar they pretty much put in her head that you were behind it. You were mad at her because the police was doing an investigation on your company. When you brought her here she thought you were acting up to try an make her talk. My hand turn into fist.
Was it Mother's doing?
No, at least I don't think so. She said she never saw your mom. She only mention an old man, he kept asking her about the drugs. I feel like whoever this guy is, he's the one behind all this. I only knew one man that could control Mother but never he would hurt a woman and he wouldn't go against me.
He was doing it alone?
Only one that was hitting her from what I understood, but he always came with a bodyguard and sometime there was a guy with an accent. I dig in my pocket and got a phone out passing it to him.
I got us burner phone. The number of mine is already set in it if you need to contact me. When you head back I want you to meet with Yoongi and he succeed in finding the guard try to get name out of him or at least better description. The fact that they did their activities at the estate there's a big chance we know them.
Alright I'll pack my things. My eyes widen.
You don't have to leave now.. I might need him around, she seem to feel comfortable with him I don't want to take that away from her. You can stay a few days if you want. He smile.
I think the sooner the better. I can help finding who's behind this and maybe avoid you getting caught. I sigh.
I just don't want to break this progression you've done here.. You did more in four days that I did in 2 weeks.. He pat my shoulders.
You'll be fine.. just treat her like you use to before..
Before all this mess. He want me to flirt with her again? That can't be right. Stop seeing her like a victim. Yes she went through a lot but for someone that never seen this much violence before she came out better then some of the guys I've seen. I sigh. I did felt overprotective of her but I feel so responsible for it. If I never found interested in her she would still had her bar, still walk home at night like no care in the world and just enjoy her simple life but I showed up and ruined it. It's going to be fine Kook. He gave me a reassuring smile and head toward his room to pack his bag. 

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