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I drop the phone on my desk before leaning back on my chair. I rub my hand over my face trying to make sense of it all. Zee is sure that Mark is part of it, she said it was the exact same voice of one of her abductor. Mostly remember because of his accent. She had to explain more of her bad experience in the cell again since I only vaguely remember what Joon has told me. I ask if she was confident it was the exact same, people can have similar accent. We couldn't confirm with a picture because she said she never saw his face clearly. She was getting annoyed that I didn't seem to believe her. It was not that I didn't wanted to but it was hard for me to think that someone I trust so much would betrayed me like this. She look so defeated, shoulder drop and she avoid eye contact with me. I tried to hold her but she softly push me. I frown. I don't think she was mad at me but probably hurt that I didn't fully trusted her on this. I wish I could find a way to validate her statement. I grab my phone to dial Joon's number, I just hang up with him not to long ago. He told me Yoongi did manage to track down the guard we saw that night and was now in the basement ready for questioning. I gave them the authorization to do it without me, not before telling to snap a picture so we could ask Zee if she recognize him, but I avoid letting him know about Mark.

Hey, are you still on your way there?
I'm about to enter the parking lot.
Do me a favor, can you go check on Mark? He should still be in the building.
Check on him? Is he in danger?
No.. but maybe try to get him to the basement, I want to know his reaction to the guard.
I know.. look I'll explain later but it's better if you don't know yet.
Alright.. I'll see what I can do.
Thank Joon.

I was so torn, I wanted to on her side, trust her memory but at the same time I was wishing it wasn't him. Father add his full trust in him, their relation was really similar to the one I have with Joon. Mark had a small company of marketing from what I remember but it was shut down 10 or 12 years ago when he was accused of fraud and break of contract policy. He always claim his innocence but was still found guilty, so he end up in jail for a few years and lost all he had. Once he was out he tried to rebuild his company but no one want to work with him anymore and this is when dad offer him a job as his assistant. I get that I'm not my father but I tried to follow everything he taught me, I couldn't see why he would betrayed me. Did I treat him wrong this past year? I act as his boss, I don't think I made him do so much overwork, at least not more that he was use too. I always respected him..

I must be overthinking this

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I must be overthinking this. He must had a reason, other then me being a bad successor of my father. What if.. A small knock interrupt my thought. My head snap up to the door. I didn't notice I left it open.
Hey.. She stood in the doorframe looking at me worried. Are you okay? I stood straight on my chair.
Hey.. yeah. I'm fine. She walk in and stop by the desk.
Are you sure? She stare at me, looking deep inside my eyes like she was trying to understand what was bothering me. Gazing back at hers, it look like she was feeling guilty for my state.
It's just.. I'm just trying to understand everything. She sigh, taking a few more step having me turn my chair to face her.
I'm sorry.. I.. I got upset earlier and I didn't think how it would affect you.. She fidgets with her fingers while she look down at her feet. I just know it was his voice.. I'm not saying he's a bad person.. just that.. he's involve.. I reach for her hand, rubbing my thumb over her skin to reassure her.
Zee.. please don't think that I don't trust you, because I do. It's just a lot to swallow.. Mark never took part into.. well physical part of the job. But again.. Mother never either..
He never hit me.. he always stayed in the back. I think he was actually trying to get that other man to stop.. That actually sound more like him but still he knew about the drugs.. I glace at her face, I pull her softly to have her sit on my lap, arm wrapping around her waist securing her. She look at me confused.
You still want to watch that new show? She grin. I'm sure Joon will call in a day or two, might as well enjoy this while we wait to have answer. It was finally good between us and I didn't want to end up ruining it again.

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