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I woke up, having a really good smell hit my nostril and making my tummy rumble. I slowly open my eyes getting hit by the sun making me squint them. Patting around I realize I was on a bed. Everything felt wrong, like I was still dreaming. Once I was finally use to the bright light I look around correctly. I didn't recognize the bedroom I was in, wall were light grey and the furniture mostly black. Nothing like something I would do. The cover were soft and the bed was good quality, I felt really well rested for once in a while. What is happening? Getting off the bed, I fell back down on it right away. My leg were weak and sore. How can it be if this was a dream? I then notice a small bandage around my left arm. Was I save? I vaguely remember, a man, doctor maybe, some muffle voices and.. Jungkook. I thought I was seeing thing for sure and it wouldn't had been the first time either. I lost track of time of when I got put in that cold cell but I remember each beating. They kept asking me what I said to the cop even though I told them everything before the first punch. I didn't want to relive this again but I guess my answer didn't satisfy them and I had to go through this nightmare multiple time. At some point I was so in pain that I couldn't feel it anymore. I became numb and cold. I know I pass out multiple time and this is when I kept seeing myself free. Every time it was different, felt so real but the sad reality came back each time I open my eyes again. So this right now had me thinking the same would happen.

Trying a second time I manage to stay on my feet. Taking a few step I found myself holding my waist, it was hurting. Lifting the shirt I had on, I notice that my right side was purple. I wince pulling it back down. That one nasty bruise.. Once I got to the door I peek out, the place start feeling familiar. Following the smell I walk down the corridor holding onto the wall for balance. Reaching the end of it I stop after seeing the living room, I remembered it of being the one at the Lake house.
Fuck. I loud cling noise came out of the kitchen startling me. I carefully sneak around the corner to have a look, he was there.. Jungkook was busy cooking.

 Jungkook was busy cooking

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My emotion got confused. A part of me want to run in his arm but the more I look at it the more I start believing this was real, I was really awake. That why my brain was telling me to hide or run away. I look at my option, out the window I saw it was snowing, and remembering the time he brought me here, this house was isolated, no civilization for miles. I would freeze to death, especially for how slow I would move. I back out slowly thinking my best option right now was to lock myself in the bedroom, sadly my foot got stuck in the small rug on the floor making me trip. My shoulder hit the wall on my way down having me wince in pain.
Shit Zee.. He rush to my aid making me panic. I put my hand forward stopping him on his track.
Stay away from me! He slow down but still bend down. His eyes were soft and full of worries, playing trick in my head.
Zee calm down. You're safe. His hand reach closer making me flinch. I won't hurt you.. Zee it's me. His voice was soothing but I didn't wanted to fall for it. Keeping an eye on him I pull myself up with the help of the small table next to me. I was wobbly on my feet but I manage to back away. He again tried to offer me a hand to help but I denied it.
No!.. Don't touch me.. He stood straight, frowning. He looked sad and worried.
Zee you still need to rest. Let me help you. I shook my head. His face change and he poke his cheek with his tongue, he was annoyed. Your injuries are not healed. Let me get you back in bed and I'll bring you something to eat. 
I.. I don't need your help. His arm fell next to his body, he looked defeated. Holding the wall I walk back to where I came from. He didn't move but look at me carefully. As soon as I pass the door I shut it, I look for a lock but there was none. I sigh. My heart was beating fast, making me dizzy. I manage to reach the bed and sit on the edge of it. I need time to think, my brain was confused and didn't know what to do. I felt a migraine building up, I let my head fall forward rubbing my temple. I jump when I heard a knock.
Zee.. I'm coming in. I drop on the floor and crawled in the closer corner, hiding on the side of the wardrobe. The door slowly open. Zee? I peek out, he was standing by the bed with a tray in hand, with the smell that fill up the room I figure it was food. He finally notice me, he stare me down for a moment. I brought you some breakfast. You need to eat something. He was not being aggressive, he was not trying to get closer to me, still I could feel my body shaking. I didn't understand why I was so scared. He let out a sigh. I'll leave it here. He put the tray down on the edge of the bed. You must be hungry.. please try to eat. He shut the door back behind him leaving me alone. I wait a few minutes before moving out of my cubby and check what was on the tray. A bowl of noodle with a side of slice of meat. I was suspicious of it and start being paranoid. What if he poison it.. Maybe I shouldn't touch it. My stomach was not agreeing with me, made my mouth watered and just wanted me to dive in. If he wanted me dead he wouldn't go through the trouble of making all this. My crazy mind would have debate this longer but I was so hungry that this was enough to convince me. The first bite was hard to swallow, it was to big, I manage to slow myself and get it down. It was delicious, I end up finishing it all. I was thankful for the bottle of water he left with it, drinking it help calming my stomach and was really refreshing. I place the tray back to where it was and sit on the back of the bed resting my head on the headboard. I was so full that I was getting affect by a food coma, making me sleepy.

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