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***Trigger Warning ***
*****This chapter contain physical abuse *****

Close the door after I sit in the back of the car, I gave the green light for the driver to go while I check back my phone. Joon have found more suspicious transaction recently on previous shipping we receive. I hate that I never notice them since these weren't delayed. Reading his last message, he was letting me know that apparently each of these were pick up a few hours before the real team was there. Reason they let them pick up those "extra" package without to much questioning is because they had a paper authorization with my signature on it. I was getting more and more frustrated. I got an idea that might work, I had a few shipments coming in the next months. I told Joon to meet me later in the evening at the office with Yoongi, we can discuss the trap I want to set up. This was not how I plan on celebrating my birthday. Any other year I would be going out with my close friends, a few girls and bar hop all night. Drown ourselves in alcohol and finish the event having sex till we pass out. I mostly wanted to do similar this year but with her. Since her text last week I didn't get anymore news. I open our conversation again.

I'm sorry..
Don't worry though I'm fine and safe
I just need time
Miss you too Whiskey
Take care

That day I resist showing up at her doorstep since she didn't gave me the okay when I ask. I gave up later on since duty called, I had a serious matter to deal with when Yoongi caught who stole the coke. He was not from our group, he had nothing connecting him to our operation. I was heading there when her text reach me. I felt good that I finally had an answer from Zee, part of me wanted to jump back in the car and head to her place but my other half decide to respect what she said and give her time. That evening I end up watching Parker kick my new victim's ass trying to make him talk. 

The car stop in front of Mother's apartment

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The car stop in front of Mother's apartment. I was here to pick her up for lunch. I really hope she would keep it short because my mind was not ready to deal with her today. I was deeply annoyed that we barely got any information. It took three days before he actually start talking. We learn his name was Elliot, if that was even his real name. He said he didn't know much, he was only hired to steal the package and said he didn't know what it contain. When we ask him who hired him he said it was me or that's at least what he thought. I let him go, well under surveillance just in case he didn't tell us everything. I doubt it though, I never saw anyone resisting to our "interrogation" way.
Happy birthday my dear! I gave her a simple nod bringing my attention back to my phone. Can you not drop work for a few hours and celebrate with your mom? I roll my eyes putting it away in my pocket.
Where do you want to go eat? It was already pass 3:00 pm I didn't want to drag this any longer.
Oh Jungkook it's your day we will go to any restaurant you want! But first your birthday present. I was waiting for her to pass me a box wrap in fancy paper that will just get destroyed but instead she pass a small paper to the driver. Get us to this address.
What did you get again? I told you to stop with the extravagant gift. I don't need them. She send me a glare.
I know but you will love this one! I pinch the bridge of my nose, feeling my migraine coming back.
You said the same last year.. Now that boat is gathering dust in the arbor.
Just trust your mother for once! I use too, now I'm not so sure.
I hope this wont be to long, I have important matter later on. She let out a dramatic sigh.
It's not that far.. I plan this surprise for a while now, don't ruined it for your mother. I stayed quiet, I didn't want to keep arguing with her. I look out the window, somehow the place felt familiar. 
We're here ma'am. I heard her clap but I was focus on the parking lot I was seeing. It was fill with contractor truck at the moment but I felt like I knew it. I push the door open and rush outside. I was right, we were across the street from The Flying Slipper. Looking over the car I saw workers removing the actual sign. I move slowly across the street in my shock state, eyes lock on the neon S getting unbolted.
Happy birthday son! I ignore her and walk inside. Everything was different, all the old style of the bar was now getting modern. I hated it! I learn you love this place! So I made everything to acquired it. I had to make modification. It was so out of date..
What the fuck is this.. I was getting mad.
I'm sorry I tried having them rush the renovation but the stupid owner gave me so much trouble that.. Her voice turn muffle once everything click. The call for help, was to get this establishment. My convincing crew.. Zee's bruises. I brought that upon her.. it was all my fault. I saw red, they were ruining everything.

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