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He send me a last smile before his head get push down inside the car. I felt so useless. Tae walk around the car to get to the passenger door, he gaze at me after opening it. Apologetic look on his face, I didn't care, it just got me mad. I cross my arm, making sure he knew I was displease by all this. His head drop, entering the car.
Sis.. he's just doing his job.. I snap my head toward him, squinting my eyes.
Don't talk to me! I storm in the house leaving my bags at the door. I ran to the kitchen hoping he would have left his phone there but no luck. The laptop! I went back to the office, grab the computer and look for the train going to Seoul. There was two left for the day one at 17h30 other at 19h00. Peering at the clock it was already pass 4, I'm not sure if I could make it on time but worst case I can wait for the later one. I went back to my bedroom, pack what I left earlier pushing them into a backpack.
What are you doing? I ignore him, entering the bathroom getting some essential. Zee! He grab my arm.
Leave me!
No! Where you think you're going? I swing my arm off his grip.
To do what? To be honest I had no clue. I feel like my brain was living in a delusion that he would escape the cop as if it was a movie and I could find him hiding in the city, where we would escape. Listen I..
You call them.. Why? I was mad at him, I felt betrayed. My own brother calling the cop on my.. Friend? Boyfriend? Lover? What ever he was, I care for him and Jimin know that, still lied and call Tae when he promise he wouldn't. He stare at me, he was trying to find the right word to explain, trying to win me over. He always been this way when he took decision that affect me without asking. Like the time he moved here, he plan everything expecting me to follow him. I came back home that day and he was packing my room, saying he was helping, that I should be happy that he save me time. I was so angry, he thought I was not being serious about taking the bar over. We had a big argument and I end up having to move out anyway since he broke our lease with the place we were at. Took a few weeks before we fixt thing. His reason was, since he had to move for his job he want me to come with him, he could keep an eye on me and be there if I need him. He always been overprotective of me, I appreciate is but he need to cool it. I'm not a teen anymore.

 I'm not a teen anymore

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Tae ask me to. I know they are besties but still. It took him some time to let me know you disappear from their protection. I freak out when I learned it. I went out myself looking for you. My anger soothed down, I felt touch. Tae tried to stop me, scared for my life. He had to explain more in detail what we were dealing with. I need to find you! It was happening, he was doing it again. I felt so thankful to have him as a brother but I didn't want to excuse him for what he just did. When he finally manage to convince me to stay put and wait, he told me that if I ever heard from you.. or Jungkook to call him immediately. Hand on my waist, I'm sure my soft feature turn hard again by his reaction.
So you trusted your bestfriend over your sister?
You trust a lover over your brother? He raise a brow challenging me with his reverse question. I open my mouth to snap back but nothing came out. Sly smirk was starting to appear on his lips.
But you promise! He puff air out in a fake laugh.
Promise to him mean nothing. I just wanted him to shut up and leave.
I was the one that made you promise.. you betrayed me Jimin. The end of my sentence was low, I was hurt. He notice because his eye soften. 

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