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I had the same seat as the previous day but my mood was completely different. I was excited that for once in such a long time everything would be good. He took a seat, turning his chair toward me.
Hey! I couldn't contain my joy.
You're in a good mood today gorgeous. I lean closer.
Of course, first I get to see you and second I feel like you will be out today. He smirk, eyes lighting up.
And what make you so sure of that? I felt in a teasing mood, sending him a seductive wink.
Just my guts feeling. I wish he would had the time to reply but we got interrupt by the judge entering the court room. After everyone sit back down the session start.
 Mister Keen, you said you had more proof as a defense for your client. Jungkook's attorney stood up.
Yes your Honour. The judge motion him to proceed. The door open lead by Tae, Mark right behind him. I turn my stare back to Jungkook to see his expression. The shock on his face when the third person enter, made me feel so happy for him.
Dad.. It was almost a whisper but I heard it. He glace at me, almost to make sure he wasn't dreaming. His dark orbs were asking so many question. He knew when I smile at him that his father was really there, in front of him, alive.
I would like to call my first witness Jeon Jung-hyun. Yesterday, when he enter the room I was as shock as him. It's true that I've never met his father before but the resemblance was uncanny.

 It's true that I've never met his father before but the resemblance was uncanny

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No he work for me. My two chair neighbor head snap instantly behind us, both standing up from their chair bowing. I dare to take a look getting baffle. Handsome man was standing in the doorway, nice black suit on. Same big eyes, same chiseled jawline, even to the same perfect smirk on his lips, it's like I was looking at Jungkook but older.
Zee this is Jeon Jung-hyun, Jungkook's father. It snap me out of my shock state, stubble getting up, bowing myself. I thought his dad was dead.
And you must be the lovely lady my son fancy. He gave me his hand, I took it expecting a handshake but instead he brought it up to his lips, living a small kiss on my fingers. I felt heat on my cheek, his stare was not helping. At least now I knew where Whiskey got his charm from. He let go turning toward Namjoon and I took this chance to hide my flustered self to sit back down, not without noticing the teasing smile Tae was sending me.
How you've been big guy?
Good.. glad to see you again Mr. Jeon. He turn toward the cat.
What about you Min? Still causing trouble? Yoongi fix his jacket acting proud. He was happy to be rank as a troublemaker? Gummy smile showed up.
Every time I can sir. They share a small laugh.

How though? How did you manage to survive the plane crash? My dimple friend ask what most of us were wondering. Mark clear his throat catching everyone's attention.
He was never on the plane. He motion them to sit. They both did while Jungkook's father took a seat at the end of the table next to Tae.
Kang was scared that I was getting close to expose him. So him and my wife, well now late wife, made a plan to get rid of me. The plane accident seem perfect to cover a murder. Thank to my good friend here, I found out in time and avoid it. Did he not know Mrs. Jeon was cheating on him at the time? It could have been possible if she was sneaky but Beom.. he was maybe a year or two younger then Jungkook. No way she could have hide a pregnancy. Tae drag out of my thought.
I was assign to that case like I said earlier, it did look just like a bad accident. Jungkook press on though, he didn't believe it. I figure it was just another kid not accepting the death of one of their parent but some of the point he made had me dig in deeper.
I have to say, inspector Kim was better at his job then I thought for his age. I couldn't let him blew my cover. Tae chuckle, probably thinking of an event that happen between the two.
Fortunate for me that I'm good at talking, could have been ugly. My head jolt toward him, furrow my brows.
I'm glad indeed. It went much faster with your help. I don't know what took over me but I slap the table, some anger grew in me.
Are you always this selfish? Everyone's eyes widen at my question. I felt Namjoon hand on my arm, while my brother's bestie was shaking his head, trying to have me stay quiet. Only Mr. Jeon was staring at me intrigue.
Zee.. He wave his hand interrupting him, never leaving his eyes off of me.
No, let her talk. I'm curious of what she has been thinking in silence. Somehow my confidence was not fading, even after seeing everyone so shock.
I heard good thing from you but after all this they are hard to believe now. He lean back in his chair, completely focus on me.
And why is that young lady?
I figure you imply that Tae here could have been killed to not revealing you were still alive. You had to knew your wife was cheating on you, still you stayed with her for some reason. You fake your own dead while keeping your own son in the dark from it. Don't you trust him? He was deeply hurt by your passing! Left alone with a mother that only wanted to use him like a puppet! He even spend three months in jails to buy you some times. My accusation seem to make everyone nervous in the room. I was blind to see it, just annoyed by the small smirk building on his lips that I wanted to smack off his face. All this for what? For you own good? You don't seem better then the man you create this "plan" for. Use everyone around you to achieve your goal, even your own son! 

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