chapter 1

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third person pov
After Shoyo finished cleaning up the mess with his friends, who offered to help, he got his things and left the cafe after apologizing to a group of people waiting at the front to place their order. He nodded to Shirabu and Goshiki who told them to call him later. Shoyo paused to look at them and saw one of them who he had seen before look back at him. He blushed then quickly walked out. Once him and his friends were outside he said he had to call someone and said he'd meet up with them soon. His friends protested a bit saying they'd at least walk him home. The group eventually gave up after a little bit of bickering when Shoyo told them that they need to head back to the gym so they find a place to sleep. Although they knew Shoyo could handle himself they still worried about him. He was short and had feminine features including his body. He could definitely pass as a woman. Not to mention that there was an incident when he was followed home a few times after work.

While walking away he stopped by a park bench because he needed to catch his breath. Shoyo had been holding in his tears and sniffing for the whole walk. Eventually he broke down balling. He couldn't believe he had lost his job over something like that and couldn't even fathom how they were going to make it through the rest of the month as they lived paycheck to paycheck. Shoyo smack his cheeks while collecting his thoughts and called his mom to tell her the news.
* ring ring* *ring*
His mother answered her phone.

Shoyo's Pov
"Hello?" mom said answering the call. I was so nervous trying to anticipate what she was going to say.
"Hi mum!" I answered trying to make it sound like I wasn't just balling my eyes out a second ago. I was trying to hold in a sob and my throat was burning trying to do so.
"Hi baby! Are you on your way back already? Kind of early isn't it? Don't you normally take the later train home?'' mom questioned confused. I could hear water in the background so I assume she is doing dishes.
"Ya- i guess... but it's fine! anyway do you n-need me to stop any where on the way home?" Shit! I just voice cracked. She is gonna know something's up! I need to think of and excus-

"Shoyo?" mom said. I didn't realize I had been quiet for a minute.
"U-uh yes?" shit I did it again. She definitely caught on.
"I said just come home dear okay?" she told me. She sounded more serious than before yet still sweet making think about how much it would hurt her knowing I lost a big source of our income.
"Yes ma'am." I breathed out.' I can't do this'
"Okay dear i'll see you soon. Love yo-" the phone cut out. the last thing I heard was Natsu crying.
"Love you too mum." I whispered trying to dry my face. It started to get dark so I need to get home quickly. Hopefully that'll be enough time to clear my head.

1 hour earlier, third person pov
A training camp was held this week with Karasuno, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa , Inarizaki, Nekoma, Fukurodani and Itachiyama. Date Tech and Kamomedai were invited but couldn't attend. As there practice had ended for that day the teens were free to do as they wished as long as they'd be back in the gymnasium at 6:00am tomorrow no later. Some of the more introverted or less social ones went home if they weren't dragged into activities. Others decided that they would be sleeping over in the facility with there friends if they couldn't get a ride back to the gym early enough.

The players parted ways going into there own groups and talking or going out to eat.  Three people in particular decided to go to out together a catch up with each other. It had been a while since Suna, Kenma and Akaashi had hung out in person so it was a perfect opportunity. They used to hang out a lot together because their parent's company worked together. The trio was pretty rich too but could never agree on who's paying surprisingly. Before they met up with each other at the front doors of the gym they decided to change their outfits.



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𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now