Chapter 8

42 7 17

Third person pov

Shoyo's mind was racing. 'was it by mistake?!' he thought trying not to squirm in the taller man's chest. Who knew such a simple gesture could cause such an arousal in the other's head. 'Maybe it was just-' all thinking ceased when he heard a deep groan coming from the man he was lying on. Shoyo froze and slowly tilted his head up to see a view he previously would have only been lucky to witness in a dream. A perfect outline of his chest muscles were the pillows for Shoyo's head followed by his broad shoulders to a neck that could make any male or female drool. In this case Shoyo was the poor victim. His sharp jawline was outlined even more when the sun came through lightly in the window hitting his skin perfectly as he shifted his head closer to the wall. Suna had a few hairs out of place but if somehow looked right for him. As Shoyo laid his head back on Suna's chest letting it rise and fall to his steady heart beat he saw his baby sister in between their mom's legs on her hospital bed. He couldn't help but get overwhelmed just by the sight.

He decided to turn over to face the window. His hair slowly scratching against Suna's chest. His hand subconsciously started to touch Suna's shirt not thinking about anything in particular, mostly about him and Natsu. As Shoyo's fingers started to trace his abs when he heard a groan and froze.

"Fuck" Suna muttered making Shoyo hide his face. After a minute of trying to control his breath he felt something on his thigh. 'Did I drop my phone?' he thought reaching his arm under the blanket to grab it. As he lightly touched whatever was on his thigh Suna bucked his hips lightly. 'Shit' he thought and turned around quickly to look and Suna who flinched at his sudden movement.

"Damn I was kinda hoping you wouldn't notice." he said with his signature smirk and a deep chuckle. Shoyo's blush crept all along his face until it was noticeable that he was to different shades from his face to his neck. Suna slowly got up making Shoyo's body slide down further on his hips. As he landed softly his crotch the older's next tilted back before making eye contact with the boy on him. Suna leaned in close to his ear subtly grazing his thighs on the side before gently grabbing them.

" Unless you're trying to help me with my little problem, i'm gonna need you to get up love."

Suna's hands slowly trailed their way around Shoyo's ass and up to his lower back making his breath quicken and letting out a short gasp before Suna lifted him off of himself by his waist. He wanted to stay where he was but Shoyo was now on the window ceil by himself watching Suna wink at him and close the door. 'What the hell was that??' he thought trying to collect the events from last night to now. ' Am I attracted to a stranger? I don't even know him though. Well I know he's is kind and good with kids..and an asshole. He also has pretty eyes- wait what the fuck am I saying!?'

Shoyo shook his head and went to grab Natsu off the bed and held her because she sounded congested. Sooner or later Shoyo felt like going into the olive colored chair. It wasn't the most comfortable but it felt better than a cloud right now.

Suna was walking out of the ICU when he thought he saw something familiar walking around. It was the man from the cafeteria. It looked like he was just walking around so Suna decided to still go to the bathroom. After he finished he started his way back to the room after grabbing two drinks from the vending machine for him and Shoyo. He got a soda for him and a lemonade concoction for Shoyo. He didn't see the creepy man out in the lobby so he assumed he left. He shrugged and walked back to the room opening the door carefully incase the two siblings were asleep. It was around 10:30am when Suna saw that his alarm would go off. He figured most daycares would be open by now decided that they should go out since they would most likely be back later.

He walked over to the olive chair on the left side of the bed and tapped his shoulder. Shoyo turned his head to look at him with a hum and his eyes barely open.

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now