Chapter 6

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Nobody's Pov
Hinata was deep in sleep when Suna softly shook him awake.It took him a second to focus his vision but when he saw clearly he realized he was on Suna's lap. Although Hinata was embarrassed by the situation Suna didn't seem to mind at all, not that he had a readable expression. Hinata was cast out of his thoughts when Suna said that Kenma and Keiji were on their way in. In a way Hinata was happy that they were here but also felt bad that they came too. He truly didn't want to bother anyone with his personal life and issues. Suna may not have had a readable expression but Hinata surely did while biting his nails and looking at the ugly brown carpet and the other people in the waiting area. All it took was one glance from Suna to understand what he was thinking.
"Don't worry. They are here because they want to be here for you. If you truly don't want to tell us anything we won't push you. But we are ready to listen if you do." Suna said turning Hinata towards him. Hinata took his hand away from his mouth and held it in his other hand while looking up at Suna with his tired and puffy eyes.
"It's true. We may not know you that well but you area important to us and we want to help you." Akaashi said from behind Hinata slightly startling the ginger.
"Let us help you. Please." Kenma said looking intently at him as if having a staring contest with pleading eyes. Suna let go of him and looked at him.
He watched Hinata turn his head to the floor for a second then slowly turned back to his sister who is still asleep along with Ms. Diane.
"Okay." he nodded then started to pack their things up to get ready to see his mother. You could tell by the look on his face he was nervous. As they got into the elevator nobody spoke. Natsu was still sleeping but in Akaashi's arms. Ms Diane had to leave for a little for work so she could be back earlier. She gave Hinata her number before heading out saying that she will be back around noon.

When they walked over to the area closed off by double doors the speaker infront of the door asked them to put on a mask and a pair of gloves. After they got there things on the guard mentioned that they weren't usually allowed to have babies in here but since she's asleep he suggested to swaddle her.
Hinata nodded and asked Suna to turn around so he could get out the swaddle blanket. As he turned around Hinata couldn't reach the top pocket so he tapped his shoulder and spoke to him in a hushed voice.
"Rin can you bend down please." he asked with a hint of embarrassment due to not being able to reach what he needed. Suna had a small smirk under his mask and bent his knees so he could get the blanket. Once he took Natsu and swaddle her and gave her back to Akaashi the went in to the ICU. Shoyo was walking ahead while his right hand was slightly shaking looking for the room number. '297,299,301' he said in his head but was mumbling in the mask inaudibly. Kenma watched him they went over towards him and took his hand in his. Hinata calmed down after taking a breath continued to walk together looking for the room. Suna and Akaashi looked at them and smiled but were also jealous over them. Kenma had never done that to anyone before. He had been in a relationship with Kuroo but it didn't exactly work out so they are just friends now. After that he never took any interest in anyone else at least that what some people think but Suna knew more than he should. He would offer to help because he is certain it is mutual but neither had asked for his help so he wasn't going to butt in. Of course he had been asked out but quickly got uncomfortable and replied with no thank you and walked away.

As they found the door Hinata walked into the room quickly. In the middle of the room up against the wall he saw his mother hooked up with tubes on the white hospital bed with matching white sheets. He set his stuff down against the tan wooden floor as the others came in the room. He sat in an olive green reclining chair placed next to his mom. Hinata stared at his mom waiting for her to wake up, if she would. Worry started to fill his eyes and spill onto his face effecting the atmosphere in the room. A few minutes passed when the doctor came to explain the situation. Akaashi, who had moved away from the window where Suna was to move around with Natsu still in his arms, when over to Kenma and Hinata who were asleep in the chair and tapped them on the shoulder. Suna paused the music he was listening to with akaashi through his airpods and waited for the doctor to speak while he was longing into the computer on the other side of the bed.
"Shoyo Hinata?" the doctor said grabbing his attention away from the beeping monitors.
"yes?" Hinata answer back tiredly making eye contact with the doctor. The other three boys got up to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" Hinata asked confused.
"We were just giving you all some privacy that's all."Akaashi answered as Natsu started waking up for her morning bottle.
" it's fine you can stay." the other boys just looked at each other and shrugged.
" Can you get me a bottle out of her bag and the formula mix?" Hinata asked tiredly to Suna and put his head on Kenma's shoulder.
"mhmm." Suna responded in a deep throat voice sending a tingle down his spine and to his brain.
As Suna brought the things over to Hinata he looked over at Akaashi and Natsu who was wide awake pulling on his hair and Akaashi smiling and taking pictures close to the window where Suna was sitting. It was around 7 when Natsu started drinking her bottle and the doctor did the check up.
"The surgery went well and we were able to stop bleeding in the lungs but also found something concerning." the doctor paused taking a breath before he continued.
"We found a cavity in the lungs. Typical this is a sign of NSCLC or non-small-cell lung cancer, a type of cell carcinoma. I don't know how soon we would be able to start treatment but I would suggest starting soon so she has a better chance of making it. Um- I'll have a nurse deliver a packet with other information regarding the procedures. I should be coming back in a few hours if you are still here but I wouldn't expect her to wake up for a day or two but that can be confirmed with blood tests later." the doctor said packing up his things.
"If you need anything or have any questions let the nurse know if you need me. I'm Doctor Hoffman by the way. Guess I should've introduced myself first off." he smiled before making his way out. After the door shut Hinata let out a shaky breath then leaned back on his chair and groaned dragging his fingers down his face. The three boys looked at his sympatheticly.
"Shoyo?" Kenma asked with worry tinted in his voice.
"Um- I think I need a walk." he said getting up putting his phone in his pocket and started to walk out. Akaashi and Kenma looked at Suna who already start to get up and walk out with him.

When Suna closed the door in the room and left akaashi and Kenma, Akaashi saw that Kenma still looked sleepy and went over to where Shoyo was sitting and let him lean of his shoulder. Kenma snuggled into him.
"Keiji.. can you do the thing." he was embarrassed by asking it but couldn't help it. He wanted Keiji to play with his hair. It was rare when he asked but only when they were alone.
"Sure." he smiling a small smile as he curled up closer to him and put the blanket over both of them.
He ran his fingers through his hair as he started to shut his eyes and saw Natsu playing a game on his phone in the chair next to him.

Suna walked after Hinata who sat by himself in the lobby of the ICU with tears falling off his face. Suna saw thing and rushed over to him and sat next to him embracing him with a side hug as he leaned over towards him and sobbed. They stayed like this for about 15 minutes. When he was done crying he sat up and looked at him.
"Rin" he hiccuped.
"I don't know what to do." he hiccuped again.
"And I don't know why I called you and brought you into this. an-and I don't even know you and I've already burdened you with my shit that I can't even take care of. I-I'm so sorry. You can leave now I'll apologize to Kenma and Akaashi when you go back to the room." He started to get up but Suna pulled him around into his lap.
"Don't push me away." he started.
"If I didn't want to be here I would have left and if I didn't want to be with you I wouldn't have picked up the phone." He looked at his red eyes intently and watch a blush expose itself on his face. He smiled internally at the effect he had on him.
"do you understand?" he asked calmly. Hinata nodded.
"Use your words Sho." he said again.
"yes." He respond with a shaking breath.
"Okay then." He said with a small smile.
"Now don't push me away."

Heyyyy so the next chapter will be kinda like a part two to this sooooo ya

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now