Chapter 7

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Hey guysss Im eating meatballs rn

Third person's Pov

As Shoyo calmed his breath as he saw that he was still in Suna's lap.He hiccupped and excused himself to the bathroom embarrassed and went to wash his face off. Suna told him that he would wait for him to come out. He looked at himself in the mirror and slapped his face to shake off the embarrassment then attempted to walk out normally. He went over to Suna who got up to stretch and watched as his shirt rose up on his back making Shoyo abruptly stop shuffling. Suna turned around when he heard a short breath behind him.
"You okay now?" he asks looking toward Hinata who turned his head to not make eye contact and nodded. As they started to walk back Hinata's stomach growled. loudly. Hinata jumped startled and grabbed his stomach while looking to the sides of the hallway frantically making sure nobody else heard that. He had already had enough embarrassment for one day. Suna turned and looked at him.
"Let's go down to the cafeteria first before we go back, hmm?" he said with a small smile. The redhead nodded again but slower this time as a blush found its way under his eyes.
"I'll text Akaashi to ask him and Kenma what they want." Suna took Hinata's hand and walked out of the ICU towards the elevator.

When they got in the elevator Hinata spoke up.
                                                                                             "Um, I forgot my phone and wallet." he said bashfully looking up at the mirror tiled ceilings. Suna looked up from his phone and looked at him.

"Did you want it? You don't really need it well just be a second." He said looking back down at his phone to see what Akaashi texted him.

"Well how would I get me and Natsu's food?" Hinata replied confused.

"I'm paying for it duhhh." Suna said with a smirk.
"lemme take care of you sho." he groaned slightly causing Shoyo to shift quickly when a tingle went down his spine.

"What? No its okay I'll just go back and get it." Hinata answered softly while walking over towards the elevator buttons and pressed the level the ICU is on. Suna pressed the button for the ground level button, which the cafeteria was on.

"Rin why'd you do that?" Hinata asked pressing the button again while Suna just smirked pressing the other button again and leaned closer to him. Suddenly the lights flickered leaving the lights half on and shading their faces in the shadows giving it a dimly light cafe effect.

"RIN CMON." Hinata whined pressing the open doors button. The elevator stopped and shook a bit causing Hinata to lose his balance pushing him and Suna against the wall.

"Pining me now are we?" he said smugly. Hinata pushed himself up quickly and looked away and played with his fingers. Suna frowned as he got up missing the feeling of the boy's warmth on him.

"Sorry." Suna apologized but chuckled at the tangerine's embarrassed face.

"Don't worry about it I just felt bad you'd be paying." Hinata said looking at him awkwardly trying to ignore the heat on his face.

"and like I said," Suna paused putting his finger under Hinata's chin after he got up and tilted his head to look him directly in his eyes.

" let me take care of you." Suna finished looking into his eyes making him want to melt on the spot.
As he was looking at him Suna's hand found its way to Hinata's lower back and pushed him into him. Hinata breath quickened as he felt a nudge on his back making him lean into Suna's chest more.

"R-Rin?" Hinata shuddered feeling the tall male's breath closer to his neck as his eyes grew heavy.
Suna hummed in response as he felt Hinata's head roll back as if to dodge something. Suna saw this and grabbed Hinata softly but tightly around his neck forcing eye contact with him again. As they both looked at each other taking in each other's features all the lights that were off flickered back on and the door opened. The two quickly composed themselves as they saw the doors open about to let people come in.

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now