info and prologue✨✨

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•I get all of my pictures off of google and the ones i use often lead me to links were it is just the pic and a white or black background... so if anyone has any suggestions for that that'd be amazing and i'll love you forever🫶🫶

•Everyone in the story will live pretty close like the farthest drive would be 1-2 hrs because I can 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝓅𝓁ℴ𝓉 and shoyo will be able to go to games and stuff bc of this.

•i might come back and edit this or change but feel free to leave suggestions but be nice because this is my first story and hating isn't nice if you weren't aware👍

Shoyo was working his shift at a cafe near by his house when he got a text from his best friend's group chat with Kageyama, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Tanaka and Noya

*ding ding*
There was another sound a second after. The cafe wasn't too busy at the moment so he decided he'll take a break for a little and get a snack and check his phone. He was untying his apron when a few people came into the shop.

Shoyo's Pov
"Are you kidding me??" I mumbled. I was just about to go on my break! I could feel my face slightly contort. Whatever I'll go after. Hopefully they don't have a big order.

Shoyo put on his best smiling face he could although it was fake, he still wanted a tip. As he walked over to his place to take orders his fake smile turned into a real one. He saw his friends waiting for him by the counter.

"Guys? What are you all doing here?? Not that i'm not happy to see you or anything but I thought you all had practice today. Wait, don't you have a tournament coming up anyway??" I said excited but kinda confused. They chuckled at my rambling.

" Shut up. We missed you at school so we decided to come see you." said Kageyama while rolling his eyes playfully trying to hide an embarrassed blush.

"We sent you a text too!" shouted Noya hopping up and down.

"You're too loud." Tsukishima hissed pushing up his glasses. Noya looked up at him and stuck his tongue out when he wasn't looking.

"But we did actually send you a text!" whined Tanaka crossing his arms in a pout. Yamaguchi sighed.

"You know he's not allowed to be on his phone. His manager threatened to fire him remember?" Yamaguchi lectured calmly making Tsukishima surprised as he never got a lecture that nice from his boyfriend.

"oh" Tanaka said deflated from his excitement. Noya saw this and kissed him cheek which instantly made him happy again. He didn't know if the two were in an official relationship or not. They were always on and off but eventually everyone just got used to it.

"Anyways..." I said trying to distract from the topic before they ask about anything.

"... do you all want your usuals?" They all nodded and went to sit in a booth. I let out a breath and got to work on there drinks. I saw one of my favorite customers, Sakusa come in and grab his drink with alittle wave. I laughed a bit and smiled back when he lefted quickly. He never did stay when my friends were here. I asked him why once and he said that they were "too loud" for his liking.

When I was about to bring the drinks out I heard people coming in, out of the corner of my eye I saw Shirabu and Goshiki. I haven't seen them in a while! I'll say hi after I give my friends their drink. Wait, are they on a date? Finally!

" I'll be with you all in one second!" I say happily. As I put the last drink on the serving tray I bumped into the manager who was walking out. The drinks spilled everywhere and all over us.

"HINATA." my manager yelled catching the attention of everyone in the cafe.

"I'm so very sorry! I really didn't mean to, I just didn't see you coming and got distracted from carrying the drinks I swear! Here i'll help you clean up" I felt my face start to get hot feeling embarrassed while I was frantically grabbing napkins to hand to him.

"I was just coming out to give you your paycheck but it appears you don't need it." he growled angrily snatching the napkins out of my hand.

"Sir? What do you mean?" my throat started to get dry and itchy as I was getting nervous.

"It means YOU'RE FIRED!" he yelled one last time ripping my paycheck up in front of my face.

"Clean this up and then get out of here!" He said while stomping to the bathroom.
The whole cafe was silent.

𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 Sunahina feat. AkakenWhere stories live. Discover now